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What is it like dating you?

yes, you are quite fartastic
I like to spoil my girl all around. I show affection with words and physically, random hugs from the back and reminding her how much I value her, how pretty and smart she is. Also remembering dates such as anniversaries, first dates, firs restaurants, girls like that shit. I always grew up poor and got accustomed to living below my means. So now that I'm graduated and have a great paying job I don't know what do with my money so I mostly spend it taking my girl out to nice dates, we like trying good sushi places and I like traveling the world with my significant other
1 word: disappointing
Like dating a socially inept penis.
Apr 22, 20 at 11:44am
This account has been suspended.
I don't know? I have never been on one because I never have had a social life what so ever and I'm not joking
I may have issues, but I never give up while thinking positive even outside the box. If irritable, I "grin and bear it" and if I can, add humor and fun. Otherwise, take a timeout. I am obsessed with accuracy and caution. I'm also gaining interest in adding true love to things like gifts, flowers, carrying, traveling, cooking, etc.
I may would like days where we could both go outside at least every day. For a short walk or just a day at the park. Watching anime and playing games at home sound fun in concept, but being too shut-in could be draining. And expect me to make the best food ever since I love creating new meals daily.
Why are you asking me this?
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