A toughie! I am conflicted between any sweet foods from lollipops to cake to ice cream... and American cuisine like Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgers... and Italian like Pizza and Spaghetti... I also can't live without rice... And I would love to see how much sushi I could eat someday...
I think I will go with the answer YES. I love too many foods to choose!
Don't have them anymore since moving away from home, but they are great.
But to name a food I eat often would probably be Cucumber and tomatoes with lots of lime juice c:
Pizza with tomatoes and bacon sounds yummy tho.
I fucking LOVE salami.
Oh and I never get tired of curry. ^_^
mine would be pizza
I also can't live without rice... And I would love to see how much sushi I could eat someday...
I think I will go with the answer YES.
I love too many foods to choose!