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first impresstion.

Oct 04, 15 at 5:44am
What's the first thing you normally notice when you meet someone of the opposite sex for the first time?
Oct 04, 15 at 6:28am
Those that see WILL outright firstly look at appearances. You're a liar if you say otherwise. That's not to say that's the most important factor, but you can tell a lot about a person by how they just take care of themselves and we are just wired to find suitable genetic material. Second, but more importantly is how an individual acts. And yes, how one acts can be either a huge turn on or huge turn off. Actions dictate how good of a mate one will be as well. But, generally speaking I'd like to think that I look at all women as just friends (I'm in a committed relationship ), but I know that my genetics are still telling me every woman is a potential mate and that tends to make me treat a woman differently than say, a man. That's not to say that I'd cheat, but I more than understand how my underlying and deep seeded/animalistic thoughts are.
Oct 04, 15 at 7:09am
In real life... How they talk, what type of clothes they wear, if they are well groomed or not, manners, eye contact, posture, and aura around them In the online world... How they type I guess? Kindof hard to have a first impression online
First look. Doesn´t matter what you say the first thing you will think about is the look. after that is how they sound and talk, Gestures and habits. I think personality comes last as it takes longer to understand someone else.
Oct 04, 15 at 10:13am
Probably anyone's age regardless of gender, so I know exactly how to 'act' around them.
surface level attitude and cadence
The first things I normally notice are hair, eyes and voice (mostly the tone of it) - if there's a pretty girl with lovely hair, wonderful eyes and an amazing voice then they've made a fantastic first impression in my opinion o/
Oct 04, 15 at 5:11pm
Physical appearance is the first thing you notice. You then judge them by: experiences, stereotypes etc that you associate with their looks. When you get to know someones "personality" you count it against the judgments you have already made. First impressions last a long time as they are the start of a relationship with that person.
Nov 28, 15 at 2:25pm
Body language, how they talk, their eyes, gives you a pretty good first impression, but people say first impressions are often wrong. It's up to you if you believe it or not.
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