Getting rid of past memories...?

luckycat2u @luckycat2u
Getting rid of past memories...?
luckycat2u @luckycat2u
I want anyone that has had either harsh past or bad memories if you can answer me, please. How do you get rid of bad memories, to the point that you don't start to tart up any more? Cause I think of the past even the bad part after just looking at my old school t-shirts...

luckycat2u @luckycat2u
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Getting rid of past memories...?
luckycat2u @luckycat2u
Maybe no one will be answer, sorry to ask a question...

neeto @neet_one
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Getting rid of past memories...?
neeto @neet_one
A hammer to the head has worked well for me.
But really, the more you think about it the more you're.. well gonna think about it. Just distract yourself from them and don't give them too much thought. Also maybe get rid of things that remind you of them.

Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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Getting rid of past memories...?
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
I dont think you can get rid of a memory the only thing I can say Is live life to the best if your abilities and make as many fun and positive memories as possible to overlap the bad ones so they can just stay all the way in back of your memory bank we live and we learn

luckycat2u @luckycat2u
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Getting rid of past memories...?
luckycat2u @luckycat2u
Yeah, I kind of knew the results would be that, and in a way kind of don't want to get rid of them cause they also have positive memories attached to them that's why, but thank you for the answer meet-one, and Julius Caesar...

115 @siruboo
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Getting rid of past memories...?
115 @siruboo
i have a lot of bad memorys. i dont think about it

Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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Getting rid of past memories...?
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
No problem I watch alot of dr Phil lmbo jk

Cr33pyMann3quin @cr33pymann3quin
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Getting rid of past memories...?
Cr33pyMann3quin @cr33pymann3quin
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luckycat2u @luckycat2u
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Getting rid of past memories...?
luckycat2u @luckycat2u
Lol, I wish it was that simple, cause of the dreams I had mostly in my past were nightmares, that I'm not often afraid of much unless jump scare... Most of them I had ran away from something that could kill any one by just a glance, either that or I died in them... They aren't all the same... I had them since I was very young to the point of blurred out memories so I didn't like them much... Thank you though... Thinking about it almost like haruhi from Oran High school Host club, but she was afraid of thunder, I'm afraid of heights...

Cr33pyMann3quin @cr33pymann3quin
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Getting rid of past memories...?
Cr33pyMann3quin @cr33pymann3quin
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