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its a lie theres no one for me

They say theres someone out there for everyone well im living proof thats bull im either rejected or told dont give up by the countless girls who refuse to date me so i am here to call bs to those optimists who tell me someday...because if everyone tells someday someone else every day eventually ill die alone..
I get that a lot. Rejected by 'everyone', then mocked by my 'friends' for being single.
Bigger issues, bruh. Bigger issues. You sound desperate and desperate people don't usually turn out happy. Chill and just take life as it comes. Also, this is what's called a self fulfilling prophecy.
Meh not desperation this message believe or not is not meant to make girls feel sorry or w/e moreless its 2 things depressed venting with a social experiment...mostly the depressed part...
You're right, there is no one person for you. There's probably like lotsa people for you. And you'll meet them whether you like it or not. You've been warned. Evil maniacal laughter!
maybe u will end up like Handa http://33.media.tumblr.com/4fb6cc4deb46edef16cf09ef44b4f100/tumblr_nk57olzbPp1u7nezvo5_500.gif
XD i need a gal to hax a kid tho
You'll never get anywhere thinking like that so snap out of it http://i.imgur.com/cHGnZU8.gif Tbh dude there is someone out there for you (ik you've heard it a million times but im gonna tell you again) have you ever thought that it isnt that theres not anyone for you out there but maybe something your doing wrong? Maybe a certain group of girl you go after for example if you went after only asian girls but cant get a gf maybe your looking in the wrong place....a good relationship doesn't just fall into your lap you have to put some effort into finding it
^ True, true. Same goes for women, too. ^u^
Ok has anyone here seen Watamote....Tomoki is literally the female me...
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