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Your a Virgin but he/she isnt.

Neet, One, No one knows how stable or unstable a relationship will be until they are in said relationship and its easier to say what you would or wouldn't do while only looking in thru the window. Two, Sex, just because it's outside the confines of marriage, does not mean it has to be meaningless. Talk to married couples and do a census on "romantic" sex, then come back. Also, I'm sorry if I seem to come across as just being rude towards your opinion, I more than understand it (I too thought an awful lot like you at your age.).
yaasshat, it's a simple matter of probability based on cold hard statistics. Who would be more willing to cheat on you, someone that's slept with hundreds of people before and has cheated on people before, or someone who has never done anything like that? The possibility exists for both sure, but which one is more likely of the two?
you want the honest truth, Neet? The one who never did it before. More times than not the one that has sex the least is more likely to cheat. It's because they're curious. They wanna explore options. The one that has already done that is not really interested in sex in that way and is content. So, to answer your question, the one that's more likely to cheat is the one that has the least amount of experience with sex.
Kichigai, it depends on the person you're dating, for example trying to get together with someone who wants to obviously explore "sex" then yes that one will cheat. I know a couple who are both virgins till they met each other and theyr still loyal to this day. Its just a matter of nitpickign the right one
he asked who is more likely. I'm only answering his question. Here's food for thought. I've had a sex. a lot. I'm not gonna even try to count the number of women I had sex with. And I'm sure my X's did NOT have as many sex partners as I. Almost all my X's cheated on me. The only gf I cheated on was the one I couldn't break up with in person for BS reasons and I just stopped caring about her. Due note, the gf I cheated on, I never had sex with her.
Kichigai, I've heard that about the curiosity before and while in theory it makes some sense I just don't buy it. I find it very hard to believe someone who's put an act like that on such a high pedestal all their life and has been waiting for that special someone is gonna just throw it away on a whim. It can happen sure, but just seems unlikely. Someone who has seen sex as no big deal all their life is more likely to keep seeing it as not being a big deal and engage in it. It's like saying it's okay to stick your hand in a shark's mouth because it's probably tired of eating people. If you wanna believe that then fine but don't blame me when you loose an arm.
You don't have to buy it. A fact is a fact. And, no, it's nothing like sticking your hand into a shark's mouth cause it's tired of eating people. Comparing sex to a shark bite is like comparing global warming to the Mobius strip. Just doesn't make sense. It's more like if you get a lifetime supply of your favorite food, yeah, you're still gonna eat it, but not nearly as much as you used to because it lost its spark.
Theories aren't facts bro.
Here's a better question. .. Why do people have careless sex? There are as many reasons as you can think and most are not for the simple carnality of it.For instance, my ex who was with over forty guys, only did it for a sense of validation. Does that make her sexual encounters worth more? Nope, but it says it was about something deeper than how far that dick can go. Hell, (she could of lied...meh...I'll boost mag ego and acept it as truth. ;)).my ex never had an orgasm until I was with her, so I can conclude that wasn't her end goal with that many guys who failed. Anyways. .. I'm just throwing in my two cents for whatever it's worth.
Nov 01, 15 at 6:15pm
Jeez, neet... Do you have that little faith in yourself that you pick partners by how likely you (!) think they are to cheat on you? Stop glorifying "innocence". Like Kichigai said... an experienced, commited partner is far less likely to cheat than a damn virgin. It doesn't matter how many partners your partner had previously if they are loyal to you. Tbh yaasshat that's a bad reason to have casual sex. If you do it for the fun or the experience I'm very much fine with casual sex... but validation? That's sad. It doesn't help at all and makes you feel even more empty. She was contributing to her problem. Much like you shouldn't drink when you're sad... you shouldn't fuck random people when you're sad. It makes your situation worse.
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