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Jun 23, 15 at 2:54am
thank you i'll be here all week http://onwardstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/conan-bowing.gif oh strip for the dollaz and buy some more
Jun 23, 15 at 2:59am
Either that or they on the lowkey just get freaky with your pictures. Some stalkers are satisfied with that.
to be honest, as long as it was honest/real; i wouldn't mind a stalker-girl (fixated on me) ... like; say, Yuno??
Jul 02, 15 at 12:13am
Despite what you guys may think, not all 'stalkers' are like that. Of course, there's the type of stalker that wants you to fear them, and then the obsessed stalker. But what about the socially awkward stalker? Socially awkward people that want to talk to a person, but can't quite find the courage to do so. So they follow the person, waiting for an opportunity to approach them. Or hang around where they are in order to bump into them. Of course, these people generally don't stalk people to their homes, but you could easily label them as stalkers nonetheless.
Jul 02, 15 at 12:24am
^ Which can either grow into an unhealthy obsession, or the stalker rationalizes the interest away (They don't notice me, would reject me anyways, etc.) then either returns to their normal routine before the interest or becomes more withdrawn.
neeto @neet_one commented on Stalkers
Jul 02, 15 at 3:06am
So now I think the real question is; what's the best way to attract stalkers?
Jul 02, 15 at 4:30am
Well the trigger can be anything but its all about time and place so if you so happen to cross who notices you completing any action from breathing to yelling that'll do it i had a stalker which was ok at first but before i knew it she was in my house removing all the pictures i had around (including the ones on my phone) that didnt have her in them which was all of them. but now ironically its what im into lol
Jul 02, 15 at 10:33am
@neet, as orochi said, anything can be the trigger. One of my previous stalkers only needed for me to say "hi", one I had dated years before, and the most recent I can only guess. Trust me when I say you don't want one in your life. Sure, anime can make it seem cute and harmless (who doesn't want a Matoi Tsunetsuki?), and the prospect of someone dedicating their life around one's existence when single can be appealing, but that ignores the dark reality stalkers bring with them.
It's easy for things to snowball into perceived stalking. For example it's not uncommon on this site and others for a few people to have multiple profiles or come back with another profile after they have been banned. I know one guy on here that started a profile as a girl and befriended himself and others. And catfishing is sometimes popular. So lets say you meet a girl on here (or guy) and you talk to them for a couple weeks about the hypothetical possibility of a relationship and what you guys have in common, etc. But they are very reluctant to even show a pic of themselves. They say they will but never do so it just makes you wonder what's up and wonder who they are or if it might be someone else messing with you. So you Google their online username and find lots of profiles. On an older profile with same birthday and email as other profiles you know belong to same person, you find a full name. So you do more Googling and find a conversation where said person gives mentions their exact address. So you reverse lookup said address and double check identities of that person and immediate family just to get an idea of who they are. Later on you get to know the person a bit better and admit to looking them up and suggesting they may not be who they first said. Congratulations, you are now viewed as being a stalker and find out that said person is really only shy and has dealt with a stalker in the past and other related issues. So you feel like an asshole and almost lose their friendship and trust is shaky. Long road to earn back trust.
Jul 02, 15 at 4:38pm
Stalkers come to Cheeki your Breeki http://new4.fjcdn.com/comments/Stalker+posted+swell+with+radiation+_e4c70a22b14b9e0992f4e90ffaaf9f7a.jpg
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