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Jun 22, 15 at 9:33am
You are screwed if the stalker has pictures of you.
Rain @rainx commented on Stalkers
Jun 22, 15 at 11:54am
Unrequited love and/or unhealthy obsession with a person. "You hurt me, so I'm gonna make your life miserable too!" Men have probably been more known to do the "physical" kind in following someone around, etc. but girls can just be just as possessive and obsessive too, especially on social media, phones, etc.
Jun 22, 15 at 11:22pm
"Defined as repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear." Usually it's an unrealistic ideal of someone that builds up into an unhealthy obsession about that person, and can be caused by psychological need, personality disorders, depression or substance abuse. A good article that defines five types of stalkers (rejected, intimacy seeker, incompetent, resentful, predator) can be read at: http://trauma.blog.yorku.ca/2012/06/in-the-mind-of-a-stalker/ So far I've had four, one got realy creepy, and the most recent has mellowed out a lot.
I know a stalker. I'll call her Amanda. She's a complete psychopath, mind you, just a girl who's read too many love stories and think that's how life works. Seriously, she sees a guy determines it's love at first sight then cries about how she can't live without him though he doesn't acknowledge her existence. Point one, Amanda liked this dude. Talked about how they were such great friends until a girl who I will call Casey took him away from her. I felt bad and listened to her stories. Figured the guy was being a jerk and ignoring a good friend. She used to watch him from afar in our P.E. class. And I don't mean a glance now and then, I mean full on staring for a good five minutes at a time. Casey called her out on it one day and she like bursted into tears for no good reason. I helped to calm her down cause you know I don't like seeing people cry. No matter how crazy they are. Point two, Another "friend" she likes the following year. She would talk about him all the time as if they were the best of friends. She even stopped by his locker and hung out on the sidelines just to see him. One day she and her hambeast who drank mustard straight of the packet I kid you not friend awkwardly shuffled over to his table one day. AND JUST STARED HIM DOWN. He bolted from the table as soon as lunch was over. Fast forward to next year that same guy, I'll call him Jake, is in my class. I decided to be nosy one day and turned around to ask him if he was the Jake that Amanda stalked. He sighed and told me the whole story while cringing. He said he only said "Hi" to her. That's the only thing ever. I thought he was joking. But she made up these stories about them hanging out in journalism and being the best of buddies. She had another guy on her sights this year. Wrote him letters. More so than a stalker, I'd say she's delusional. But I think that a lot of people with unhealthy obsessions are trapped in their own delusions. TL:DR- Friend mildly stalks more boys than I've even pointed out, thinks they should love her even though they don't know her name. BTW I'm currently dating one of her victims (point2)
Jun 23, 15 at 1:33am
@bubbles your dating jake from state farm lmao jk jk your friend sounds intense tbh idk how i would act if someone had such an intense desire for me XD to just stalk me i mean if they werent too weird and like we had things in common i wouldnt mind getting to know her
"namaniiamani You are screwed if the stalker has pictures of you." 0 — Report · about 16 hours ago Not really, they need more info unless a reverse image search brings up a facebook or something. Full name and date of birth is enough to find an address. With 300 million people just in the USA a picture won't help much by itself.
XD I didn't think about that....should've named him Steve >3< I tried telling her to get to know a person better before doing these things....but she ignores all my advice. And are you saying you'd be okay for a girl to hover over your shoulder while your just trying to enjoy a sandwich? lol
"Mmm yas you eat that sandwich and pretend it was me." *heavy breathing*
Jun 23, 15 at 2:45am
i'd be like cool story babe make me another sandwich lol that way she can have all the fantasies she wants and i get another sandwich
I think you've solved the problem for people being stalked everywhere http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/5/5c/Applause-gif-tumblr-43_zps4e464b19.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150513061029 cept....when the bread runs out
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