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Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
oh yea, I forgot to add sandbox games haha
what are your favorite games?
haha yea ^^
yea I do that as well ^^
do you have any ideas for one?
Okay :)
I will let you know for sure then ^^
dang, I cant imagine how much work you have to do
I hope it goes well ^^
yes it is, I agree :)
yea I do ^^
I am majoring in Animation ^^
taking 3 classes at the moment
the semester just started
so I can't say at the moment
but I know my least favorite subjects are Math, and English haha
and how about you?

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Yup yup ^^
Depends haha
Rpgs, Jrpgs, Fighting Games, tactical rpgs, fps, 3rd person shooter, survial horror, platformers thats about it haha ^^
I play all kinds, but what I choose to play usually depends on my mood
I kinda jump from one game to another at times
I can be so random at time haha XD
And how about you?
What kind of games do you like?
Hmm well there's multiple ones I am doing
But at the moment I am working on a fantasy one, which was inspired by the Fire Emblem series and the one I have been working on for the longest time
Involes themes like Fantasy, Adventure, War, Drama, Romance
And also planning to adapt them to a graphic novel or manga, idk yet
Just been working on some character designs and backgrounds
I have like 9 other tales haha
And you? Do you write stories as well?
Thats good to hear ^^
Busy is good
Yea I know how it is ^^
What are you majoring in and what classes are you taking?
Learning new things is an awesome experience, and one neverstops learning
Questions for gay/bi peoples

MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
I just talked to my mum about the topic in general.
Asked her what she thought and stuff.
She wasn't exactly ecstatic about homosexual couples.
Over time, I just brought up the topic more and more, letting her talk about why she disliked the idea, and then replying with why I didn't mind.
Through this discussion slowly being introduced over time, my mum became more and more relaxed about the idea.
If I ever get a girlfriend, I think it might take a little getting used to, but I'm not that worried, because I know my mum understands now.
Because we've talked about it so many times.
Do you prefer a perverted girl or the innocent type?

MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
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Do you prefer a perverted girl or the innocent type?
MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
Innocent guys or girls 100%