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Jul 02, 15 at 5:22pm
i wish i had a stalker lol the not so crazy and cute kind though http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8SqXy-Au9iU/Ud9421V80QI/AAAAAAAABSE/eJ18Lq_R0oo/s1600/free_hugs_love_me.gif
They do exit. They are called yandere(s). Lol! XD
Jul 02, 15 at 5:29pm
neeto @neet_one commented on Stalkers
Jul 03, 15 at 8:00pm
While there hasn't been much of it here I just wanted to say I'm kinda surprised by how arrogant (if that's even the right word here)and kinda hypocritical people can be when it comes to this topic. Seems whenever I mention being interested in stalker/yandere type girls there's -always- people who respond by saying I don't really want that or that I should avoid them. They act like they know what's better for me more than myself when they don't even know anything about me. They don't understand my needs, why I'm interested in those types, or even care. I get that a lot of people have had bad experiences with stalkers, but did you ever stop to think some people might be flattered to have someone be that interested in them and be happy to receive that much attention? It's almost like they think they know what's best for everyone based on only their own experiences with no regard for others. I'm old enough now to make my own decisions in life and should be able to at least decide for myself what I do and don't want/like. The funny thing is these are of course some of the same people that would expect you to respect their own personal interests. If I said I was into guys, transgenders, flurries, or even 60+ year old 500lb bearded women in diapers no one would care, but being into girls who are obsessive for some reason makes me some sort of idiot and people are free to question my judgment? seriously?
Rinar @renard commented on Stalkers
Jul 04, 15 at 12:51am
I wholly agree with you neet.
- @reddwin commented on Stalkers
Jul 06, 15 at 11:03pm
i dont understand at all why anyone would want a stalker bc i had one or two and it was an obviously pretty fucking unpleasant experience.
Jul 06, 15 at 11:07pm
Ill b ur stalker panda
I wouldn't say I'm stalking you. But can you move to the left a little. It's hard to see into your window from your neighbors bushes.
sometimes, the only thing that can make life worth living is someone you love/attach to ... could be for any reason, if not love if you can't have them, the only happiness in your existence is to fill your day(s) with as much contact as humanly or inhumanly possible "safe stalkers" are fine in my opinion, i show sympathy
Jul 12, 15 at 10:01pm
ayyyy matty thanks for being my stalker <3 lol nothing like having someone watch you from the bushes http://i.imgur.com/fEyLaQd.gif
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