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What do you guys do...?

Here's a question... What do you guys do when life decides to bend you over...? Honest opinions...?
It depends in what way. It can be anything from crying to playing videogames.
Anime solves it all for me friend like anytime im stressing i try to put on a comedy or romance and just relax maybe play video games if i can but if its something serious i usually just sit down and think of how to fix it
Jun 18, 15 at 2:52pm
I get angry, talk a lot of shit about it to anyone who will listen to me, assess who my true allies are in the situation, and either get even or rectify the situation methodically. Even if it takes years.
@Manga-Bird I mean when life royaly decides to screw you over. "Ha! Fuck lube. I'm goin' in dry!" say Life as it does just that. That's what I mean...
Well I tell my girl and just have her help me cheer up. Before, well I always get angry when I'm sad or depressed, at myself or whatever I failed at, So I brood for while, Sad music first, After I get angry, I just workout. Good use of excess energy hahaha, Especially since I work out daily anyways(cept the past week or so because being sick sucks), so it was always a way to get rid of all that aggression, and in turn depression hahahahaha.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Then remember to be resilient. Bounce back from whatever fucked me over as best I can. Life fucked me over today. I'm taking on the chin and moving on. At least I'm not dead yet.
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/882009__safe_pinkiepie_upvotesgalore_zpsbeka03rj.jpg ANGRY MASTURBATION!!
^ haha It depends. Usually I sleep or hate myself for some hours. Life does that, sometimes. It's lovely to learn to accept life for it's flaws, too. the imperfections make the human experience human.
Jun 20, 15 at 5:21pm
Laugh it off and don't worry about it.
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