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SirYanako @siryanako
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SirYanako @siryanako
Well you haven't been here in a full year, but you have good taste in anime and live in So Cal lol. Hi, do you have a discord or skype?

kyrakis @kyrakis
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kyrakis @kyrakis
Hahaha wow life got crazy after I sent this! Things are finally settling down though! So coming from way in the past what classes were you taking? XD

keybladeknight963 @keybladeknight963
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keybladeknight963 @keybladeknight963
hi :)
Codependence or coindependence?

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Codependence or coindependence?
Kyetge! @kyetge
Definitely more inclined to pursue and maintain a coindependent structure here. I need my space, I need my autonomy, and I do not want to share everything with someone. Inevitably I'll get bored of them and then look like the bitch to all of our supposed mutual "friends". But fuck them, and fuck what they think for letting their emotional ties get in the way of the reality that my partner wasn't good enough for me. I am not going to settle.
Neediness and clinginess are surefire ways to push me to abandon ship, and the ships I've abandoned so far have all been codependent structures.
Describe Your Personality In 4 Words

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Describe Your Personality In 4 Words
Kyetge! @kyetge
Introverted, rational, cynical, aloof.