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First real life crush

Who was your first real life crush crush? You don't have to say their name. You can just describe them and what was the end result of this crush. Maybe you learnt a lesson from this experience? My first crush was in Grade 6/7 (Primary School) on a really intelligent girl with piercing blue eyes. She was always number 1 or 2 on the list of highest academic scores. She inspired me to be number 1 in academics so that I could impress her. I achieved that goal and although we lost contact when I moved I carried that motivation through my life and got really good grades. The positive of that crush was that she probably helped me get where I am today.
Cool story sadjester.Er, me on the other hand all my crushes were online.I know a girl on Facebook who for the first time thought it was seriously gonna work out and it was my first serious crush.She was outta my league but she was nice to me but she lives all the way in Thailand and she invited me to visit but I didn't like the idea of living over there.I'm bi-sexual..so I still don't know what I'm really looking for but sorry for not having a real interesting story.
My first crush was in 3rd grade. I wrote her a poem from Shakespeare on rose stationary (sonnet 18) in cursive that I had only recently learned. (I was reading Shakespeare and others for fun even at that age.) I don't think she knew what to make of it. But she wouldn't date me because I wasn't popular and was worried what others would think.
Feb 28, 15 at 8:03am
My first crush was a girl I'd met in high school. Our fathers were old acquaintances so we'd meet each other often. I wrote her a love letter on our last year of high school but she insisted on remaining friends. Afterwards however, her demeanor towards me quickly changed into a mean one and we fell apart after I decided to cut contact with her.
I had a childhood friend who would probably count as a crush. We hung out a lot since our parents were friends too but her family moved out of state and we lost touch after that.
First crush was in 2nd grade, we'd go so far as holding hands when we thought no one was looking.
Thanks you to everyone that has commented thus far. Its sad that many of the first crushes one has ends prematurely because of people having to move somewhere else. Hopefully long distance travel will be quicker in the future so that the heart ache of young love can be avoided in future generations ;>0 https://33.media.tumblr.com/b8bfdfda923a99e2b689bd088fcb5723/tumblr_n28x85qrB91rkz39eo1_500.gif
My first crush was this boy in middle school called Joshua, He liked football and was british and was kinda chubby but I really liked him. I remember everytime he would appear somewhere in the distance my heart would start to pang loudly in my chest and I'd get really embarrassed and hide behind my friends and stuff. But he never really noticed me, we never talked either occasionally he'd look my way but that was probably because a friend of mine told one of her friends and they told him that I liked him so I guess he'd look my way but it happened alot often and sometimes for long peroids so I never knew if he liked me or not but probably not... I liked him alot even though. After middle school he went to a different highschool and I never saw him again but I came across his facebook in highschool and he grew up and lost his weight and I couldn't really see his face in his pictures but he got into like guitar and into some band with his friends. And I remember clearly his facebook stauts were something like ' Coping with loosing her, I loved her so much. ' or something like that. I heard from a friend of mine who knew him that he recently was going threw one of his girlfriends leaving him or something and I was kind of like..' Aw..I wish I could comfort him.I'd never leave him..' But of course I couldn't do anything cause I was in my dark times where I thought I was really ugly and fat and no one would desire me. Lol. Oh well I wonder what happened to him? I still remember his name clearly though, Joshua Elkington I believe. Heeee~~ I bet he's in a happy relationship with some lucky girl probably engaged or whatever. Well good luck to him, I hope he finds true happiness!
Cute, exotic, more experienced brasilian girl. Very nice brown skin, the one thing I remember about her vididly is that she would bite my finger with much force and giggle afterwards. Though she was not exactly my premier crush, I was nonetheless infactuated with her behavior that it warrants the same status, especially since I don't remember my actual first crush.
Mar 02, 15 at 12:28pm
My first crush was a beautiful girl I saw in daycare with long, golden hair. She was the first girl I ever liked. I noticed her because she was being wierd picking at bark from a tree. She was scared to go on the playground, but I convinced her to spend the whole day with me. Her soft golden hair, her blue eyes, and the way she smiled at me when I led her around by the hand are the only things I remember about her. I never saw her again after that day.
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