Unpopular Anime Opinions

Key @key17
Unpopular Anime Opinions
Key @key17
What are your thoughts on anime that no one seems to agree with?
One of mine, characters like Yuuno Gasai are overrated as fuck! Creeps aren't cool at all.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
Aka-san @redhawk
@key oh yes I agree with you on that! Also great topic as well
I guess for me it would be a teenage protagonist, why is it always a teenager that saves the world?

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
What always drives me nuts is characters that completely misread a situation and so does their counterpart and act based on that false idea aggressively without qualifying it. They pass up every opportunity to do so, then suddenly they both realize they are acting dumb and just go with the flow and repeat mistake again later. I get plot development but it seems to happen a lot. Is such poor communication and assumptions that common a problem? I used to work for Sharp and the ppl I worked with in Tokyo were way smarter, even the young ones.

neeto @neet_one
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
neeto @neet_one
I hate most anime that tries hard to be edgy, grim, and dark. I especially can't stand those with lots of blood and gore. I know people on sites like this eat that stuff up.
On that note I think Elfin lied is crappy shallow gore porn.
I think dogdays would be better without the fanservice. I enjoyed the show and thought it was cute and nice until they started ripping everyone's cloths off. Still following it but feel it could be better.
I think Clannad is really overrated and that Kanon is much better.
Kirino is a horrible cunt and she made orimo damn near unwatchable. Seeing her get the shit beat out of her was great, she had it coming.
Bakemonogutari is smutty garbage. I think the art style is ugly and find senjougahara to be an unbearable bitch.
I could go on but I'm sure I've ticked off enough people for now with my opinions lol.

Key @key17
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
Key @key17
I don't see what's so great about Bakemonogatari eitheir. In my eyes it tried way too hard.
I also disliked Kirino but for a different reason. The show should have just ended when Brother (forgot his name) and Kuroneko got together. In my opinion it would have been a perfect ending, but nope, they go ahead go the incest route.
Most shojos do tend to fall under the same old plot points. They're basically the same but with different characters, with only a rare few of being actually original.

Arc @arc
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
Arc @arc
I didn't find Lucky Star funny at all. Is that an unpopular opinion?
I think more than half of all anime is garbage. Less than 10% worth watching.

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
ZeldaChan @monjachan
I adore gasai yuno, but I come to find there are many overrated animes out there....
I usually go by slightly older and underrated animes.. some animes like Kaitou saint tail and Tokimeki Tonight are of the best ones I ever saw... they have like no fans atall today, as nobody cares for older shows... I've found so many gems like this.... <3

blueylouis @blueylouis
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
blueylouis @blueylouis
Really don't care much for the big three having watched decent amounts of them, especially now when they are all dragged out to unholy proportions.

Seb @seb
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
Seb @seb
I find tsundere characters really annoying but everyone seems to like them.

Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
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Unpopular Anime Opinions
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
My one friend thinks Deathnote was horribley written.
if that isn't insane idk what is.
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