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Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
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Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
Thanks for the friend request!
Nice to meet you! :3
Demon souls, Dark souls and Dark souls 2

blueylouis @blueylouis
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Demon souls, Dark souls and Dark souls 2
blueylouis @blueylouis
Yeah that makes sense, i wasn't humming and haring over Dark souls as much when it came out because i was already used to that style of play.
The first experience of playing a souls game is probably the best because it does such a great job at destroying your per-conceptions (No hand holding and unforgiving to those that don't pay attention).
But the sucky thing with sequels is that you get used to it and it no-longer becomes challenging. Which is why i'm really looking forward to bloodborne. They seem to be changing up the game play a lot with the removal of shields and the steal your health back mechanic.
Braverly Default

blueylouis @blueylouis
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Braverly Default
blueylouis @blueylouis
It's in the options settings. Its annoying because they give you the option to do so in the first place.
If a boss is hard and requires some strategy, just flip the switch and its mega easy.
You don't see final fantasy games do it so i don't know why they did it with this one :/ Probably to make it more causal if i were to guess. But like i said other than that its a faithful re-imagining of the old FF games like 3, 4 etc.
Oct 26-28
May 24-26
Oct 25-27
Oct 24-26