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Being friends with someone younger than you?

I can be friends with people of any age! Especially oniaii. I'd so be digging on her if she were older or I was younger. I could never be in a romantic relationship with someone younger than 18 though. I't want to be able to get sexual with a girl I'm with.
Just out of random curiosity, is pretty much everyone here from California? To my knowledge the legal age varies from state to state, and I keep seeing people throw the 18+ barrier up. (Personally I think that's the appropriate age, not just because I grew up here.) Anyways, I've had friends across the age spectrum and of differing metal ages as well. Some of my younger cousins in the 12-7 range act like adults whilst a lot of my 25+ co workers act like party hard college students. Though, I have noticed a special (and I mean it in a good way)sort of... I dunno how to describe it, "acceptance of whatever age you are" throughout lots of otaku communities. Maybe its because we all get on a certain level to try and understand and communicate to enjoy what we all like, or maybe I just have way too optimistic eyes for otakus as a whole. (I'd like to think the former idea stands taller than the latter)
Nope, I'm from the UK
Age doesn't really matter to me, I'll be friends with anyone if we get a long. Hell, I still think I'm 16. It's only when the birthday comes around that you go 'oh...' haha. As for relationships, 19/20 is the youngest I would consider. Basically for the reason Manga_bird said.
Age shouldnt matter when it comes to being friends. Now the romantic/dating aspect is a little different. Use your morals. Being 19 the lowest I would go is 16 and thats a big maybe.
I'm usually the younger one amongst my friends hahahaha :p But relationship wise, it's not so much age as it is similar wants in life and similar experiences.
Friends wise age doesn't really matter. Relationship wise who really cares about a few years either way? I keep getting reminded I am 2 years older than my boyfriend lol. YES I am soooo old! XD
Age don't matter period for both friends or relationship but hey everyone got their standards just go with wat u feel comfortable leaving with lol n if only everyone was from cali... lol
Long as you just keep things as just friends an age gap wouldn't really matter. Anything more and that's when things get really weird and problematic.
Age not necessarily means a person acting according to the years. I've met people older than me that don't seem any wiser than I am. Being friends with someone younger is never a problem, it depends on the experience that person has and how the person sees the world. There's no problem with that.
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