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Being friends with someone younger than you?

Basically what Mariahaise said, I believe that you should consider persons as individuals meaning you have to like them for what they are,age is just a number and maturity is not related to age itself,of course if that person is way younger just be careful with legal age and stuff like that
I'm older than most of my friends but that's mainly due to a lot of younger people more being into the hobbies I like.
Friends at any age is good.
I see no problem with it my friends are either older than me or younger that me by a few years
I'm 30 and I have no problem at all with having friends who are way younger than me. As far as dating is concerned, won't go lower than 18, not that that really matters now as I have found someone courtesy of this site
When I was younger I went after older women and hung out with (and dated) college students when I was in HS as I got older I dated younger women. I was always told I looked and acted mature for my age now they say I look/act younger than I am. I think that is partly due to biology but mostly due to the fact I am eternally 21 lol. I think age is mostly a number and has a wider range for friendships vs. relationships. It depends on the maturity of the person largely. I like associating with younger people because they like the things I do and are interesting and will talk about anything without restraint. I also value their perspective on the world today and the shit I am building for them. Growing up there was the age old vs young battle, the adults knew better and we kids don't know crap; which is part true. While younger people lack certain real world experience on the other side of that coin they are not biased by experiences that allow them to see things others are too rigid to see. Sometimes the student can be the teacher. As for romantic interests at least 25... 20 at the bare minimum if you rock my world. You would have better luck winning the lottery twice in a row than me accepting a v-card but I'd teach the right pupil. I am too old and intense of a lover for little girls(gross), passionate(or wishing to be) women only. For anyone younger than that I could only be a life mentor friend or confidant at the very most.
The majority of my friends are around my age (20) but I certainly don't mind having friends any younger or older, it's perfectly normal! Age doesn't mean anything when it comes to being friends with someone, just like others have said ^^ When it comes to relationships though I think I'd be happier with someone who is around my age, give or take a couple of years but of course if I find myself really attracted to someone I won't let age get in the way (unless they're like 30, that'd be 10 years older than me)
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