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danteyuuki @danteyuuki
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danteyuuki @danteyuuki
Hey I’m from Kentucky

mikufan82 @mikufan82
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mikufan82 @mikufan82
hello there lucille

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
Hey! You're back?

lucille @lucille Time to get out of my hole and try and make some friends! lol. I'm here, how are you doing?

Manga_bird @manga_bird Not too bad, getting ready to move again at the start of next month -.-

lucille @lucille Did Sherflow finish university? Or you guys just moving again? We need to move. Country life isn't for me. Give me a city any day of the week!! I miss city life.

lucille @lucille Did Sherflow finish university? Or you guys just moving again? We need to move. Country life isn't for me. Give me a city any day of the week!! I miss city life.

lucille @lucille It double posted... new system I will get used to it..

Manga_bird @manga_bird He decided to stop in June, so we came to St Annes (his home town, next to Blackpool) but he has since decided he wants to move to Leeds as he has a friend there, and there are more job opportunities.

lucille @lucille I hope it works out well for you guys. I just started going to college last semester but I've a long way before I can get my nursing degree.

Manga_bird @manga_bird Are you hoping to work in a hospital eventually?

lucille @lucille Probably, I wouldn't mind working in a doctors office either. But I won't stay working in a nursing home forever, too much drama.

Manga_bird @manga_bird I have to say it isn't a career that ever appealed to me.

lucille @lucille I like it more than retail work. But working in the nursing home there is a lot of drama. I hear it's less so in the hospitals/doctors offices. But honestly the job is so close to me I can walk.. it's good pay and good medical insurance (although the medical insurance is really expensive). We want to move out of state eventually. Hopefully to a city.

lucille @lucille I like it more than retail work. But working in the nursing home there is a lot of drama. I hear it's less so in the hospitals/doctors offices. But honestly the job is so close to me I can walk.. it's good pay and good medical insurance (although the medical insurance is really expensive). We want to move out of state eventually. Hopefully to a city.

Manga_bird @manga_bird That'll be nice for you. I'm the opposite, I'm working at Dunelm, and I love it.

lucille @lucille I grew up in a big town. Honestly I think my biggest issue is that I can't drive. Eventually I'll get my license and I think it'll be easier. I talk to people at work but I wouldn't say I've really made any actual friends here, I just fail at country life lol.

lucille @lucille I grew up in a big town. Honestly I think my biggest issue is that I can't drive. Eventually I'll get my license and I think it'll be easier. I talk to people at work but I wouldn't say I've really made any actual friends here, I just fail at country life lol.

Manga_bird @manga_bird A city will be better - everything is closer!

lucille @lucille I agree. I might make some friends eventually too. I'm so antisocial -.-

Manga_bird @manga_bird Me too, you'll make friends at work though!

lucille @lucille I make acquaintances at work. Maybe when we move.
Otaku Artists ~Bring Your Art~

lucille @lucille
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Otaku Artists ~Bring Your Art~
lucille @lucille

Here are a few more recent ones from my artbook. I don't have the materials for full color work at the moment so I'm mostly working in pencil.
what type of video games do you play?

lucille @lucille
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what type of video games do you play?
lucille @lucille
RPGs. Some strategy games.