The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Are really getting on my nerves on the pretense they're hard to get into them or just hard to relate to them like I used to. The storyline and the characters used to be cool, and suave, and actiony. I miss Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star ...Also! My anime list is running short.
Any Recommendations? (I need a lot I go through anime like water on days I workout.)

neeto @neet_one
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
neeto @neet_one
anime(anime is the plural bro) similar to Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star huh...
Alright. This isn't the anime section of the forums but what the heck.
Desert Punk
Black Lagoon
Darker than black
Ghost in the shell
If you liked Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star, you'll probably like a least one of those.

l @chantz
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
l @chantz
The familiar zero series was pretty cool three different seasons

Key @key17
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Key @key17
@neet-one Yep.

Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
Definitely agree with Darker than Black, Tright, Baccano, and Psycho Pass(Because those are the ones I've watched fully hahaha)
Others I'd recommend are the following
Akuma no Riddle
Akame Ga Kill
Magi: The Labryinth of Magic
Gun X Sword
Hunter X Hunter
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Black Cat

neeto @neet_one
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
neeto @neet_one
Chantz, how exactly is The familiar zero similar to Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star or something that a fan of those two shows would like?

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
If your looking for a REALLY long anime with lots of action, adventure, and meaning...I'd watch One Piece...but if you want medium-size, i'd say Hunter X Hunter...other Anime "I" recommend are Tokyo Ghoul and Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu

Arc @arc
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Arc @arc
Gungrave. Such an epic, bad ass anime. One of my favorites.

Xavier-kun @xavier428
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Xavier-kun @xavier428
Ya they don't make em how they used to lol

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
The animes today (RECOMMEND ME)
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Alright, so here's my list so far from the current recommendations of what I have seen, currently up-to-date on, and will be adding to my list:
Finished Anime:
Trigun ~ Seen and Finished
Desert Punk ~ Seen and Finished
Black Lagoon ~ Seen and Finished
Baccano ~ Seen and Finished
Darker than black ~ Seen and Finished
Space☆Dandy ~ Seen and Finished
Gungrave ~ Seen and Finished
Ghost in the shell ~ Seen and Finished
Cowboy Bebop ~ Seen and Finished (And seen the movie)
Outlaw Star ~ Seen and Finished
Hunter X Hunter ~ Seen and Finished
Hunter X Hunter(2011) ~ Seen and Finished
Gungrave ~ Seen and Finished
Akame Ga Kill ~ Seen and Finished
Magi: The Labryinth of Magic ~ Seen and Finished (Both Seasons)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn ~ Seen and Finished
Black Cat ~ Seen and Finished
Up-to-date with latest Episodes:
Tokyo Ghoul ~ Up to latest Episode
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ~ Up to latest Episode
Psycho-Pass ~ Up to latest Episode
Will Watch (Probably take me a week to blow through these):
Gun X Sword ~ Added on List to watch
Akuma go Riddle ~ Added on list to watch
Unknown Could not find:
Borderline not sure if I want to watch yet:
One Piece ~ It's really really long, holy crap is it long.
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