Sex before marriage.

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
Sex before marriage.
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
This is a question for the ladies, how important is sex before marriage? The reason I ask is cause of my last relationship (which was also my first). My ex had sex at an earlier age then myself so by the time we dated sex in a relationship was as normal as hugs and kisses, and since it was my first relationship I went along with it for the first half not wanting to be the bad boyfriend. After the first 8 months I told her I was not comfortable with it anymore and I would like to hold off for a while or maybe even till marriage. She showed support when I told her but it didn't take more then a few weeks before she was tring to seduce me again. well needless to say I failed at supplying her needs so we broke up and ever since then I have had a hard time getting the confidence to try another relationship. I am sorry for the long story and please believe me that I am not trying to get sympathizers, I just want to help every one understand where my question is coming from. It's just that this happened 3 years ago and I have never taken the time to open up and talk to any one about how I feel. So back to the question.
How important is sex in a relationship ladies? Specifically before marriage.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Sex before marriage.
Sobi @sobi
Well, personally I think it's not a big deal in a relationship. It really depends on the people though. I happen to know some women that it is very important to and some others that could care less about that. In my personal opinion it's more important to be in a relationship with someone who you can just enjoy to sit in silence and be comfortable. I think that's the true test of a good relationship. It sounds like you just need to find a different type of girl.

OtakuTan @otakutan
commented on
Sex before marriage.
OtakuTan @otakutan
Well, personally for is very important and shouldn't ever be done outside of marriage. I view sex as a sacred thing...being in five different relationships and not even kissing before...I believe that getting really intimate with people in that sort of way should only be done with that one special other. Not saying that you can't get intimate with people, just not sexually like that. Or at least that's my opinion.

Kai_Katsuragi @kai_katsuragi
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Sex before marriage.
Kai_Katsuragi @kai_katsuragi
I just wanted to say that this can be a rather hard thing to decide...Sex shouldn't be something casual and it'd be best to keep it for after marriage...but, when you have a person that you're crazy about...I can imagine it might be hard to wait. But, it really depends on the girls. For me personally, I'm still debating myself... Of course it's best to wait, but... I don't know sometimes.
What really matters is finding someone that you're comfortable with. ^_^ Sex shouldn't be a big concern, so long as the person you're with loves and accepts you. You shouldn't feel pressured into something you're not comfortable with. If you're uncomfortable with something, tell them straight out and make a stand. What should be important is if sex is important to you, not the girl. (Sorry if I sound like I'm lecturing...don't mean to...this is just my opinion...)

Kimiko @kimiko
commented on
Sex before marriage.
Kimiko @kimiko
Who cares about marriage, it doesn't assure anything. People think too much of marriage, seriously, it's like they think it automatically makes everything fine.
In my opinion, you just have to be smart, know you love this person, and the only way to know this is to take it slow and try to learn something knew from this person each day. Get to know their friends and family, how they act around them. You shouldn't feel embarrassed to ask for sex from your partner, but don't be an a-hole about it either, don't push them, let them have their space. Learn to hold hands and kiss, capture the feeling, it can be very nice, but also learn to loosen up.
Marriage wasn't made to prove love, its made to make an agreement on paper. Basically what I'm saying, when it comes to sex, throw your religious beliefs out the window, take birth control and a condom and have fun, no need to make something you want so damn complicated. We can't all be nuns but we can't be irresponsible. Safe sex and true knowing love should be your only concern.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's right to go out and have one night stands with some random guy but I also hate it when people think marriage is this big wonderful sacred world where all love is pure, and trust me, it's not. I know a friend who knew her husband for 9 years and then got married. Now they want to get divorced. Marriage proves nothing.
Now get out there and get laid before you die a virgin, damn it!!! >:(

HaruHaru @haruharu
commented on
Sex before marriage.
HaruHaru @haruharu
I don't think marriage is important in the slightest. I think it really comes down to the couple in question though. If they rut each other like animals every day, odds are they're going to get bored of it but I suppose it's always difficult to ignore an aroused lover or something like that, especially when you're in fear of the fact they could just go and find someoene else but that comes down to all tight you are. All marriage pertains to is a couple of vows that'll reassure you for a while, but people in marriages cheat all the time. Personally. I think sex is just something you do, when the timing is at its absolute best.

angelhalo777 @angelhalo777
commented on
Sex before marriage.
angelhalo777 @angelhalo777
Honestly I dont really care for sex after marriage but I feel if you really love and care about someone then you can give yourself to them of course sex isnt a planned thing and it never will be....also I want to get laid before I die a fucking virgin :I ......I hate to be so blunt but yeah lol

Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
commented on
Sex before marriage.
Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
Honestly sex is a physical act of passion between two people. However different people tend to be different in bed with each other. So your partner might not be compatible with you sexual. I.E. two submissive lovers will have a harder time then a Submissive, and a Aggressive lover. I personally think people should have lots of sex his or her partner before marriage. As sex sometimes changes the relationship. They should also probably move into the same apartment/place together as well. As relationships tend to change after that as well. If you wait until after marriage to see if you are truly compatible with your partner then you might find yourself living a life that is not to fun.

Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
commented on
Sex before marriage.
Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
Honestly sex is a physical act of passion between two people. However different people tend to be different in bed with each other. So your partner might not be compatible with you sexual. I.E. two submissive lovers will have a harder time then a Submissive, and a Aggressive lover. I personally think people should have lots of sex his or her partner before marriage. As sex sometimes changes the relationship. They should also probably move into the same apartment/place together as well. As relationships tend to change after that as well. If you wait until after marriage to see if you are truly compatible with your partner then you might find yourself living a life that is not to fun.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Sex before marriage.
ロイ @wallace614
It's not good at all
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