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Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul

KingDragonZero @kingdragonzero
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KingDragonZero @kingdragonzero
You're pretty!

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Your eyes are amazing...I'm envious!
Subs or Dubs

Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
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Subs or Dubs
Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
subs tend to be better because anime companies in japan higher better/higher paid actors for the voice (like disney does with Gibli films i.e. Anne Hathaway). Japanese voice actors are respected more as well. However some anime companies like Oceans in Canada do a good job. Funimation did an awesome job on FMA. So every once and awhile you'll find a gem, but usually that is not the case. Subs are best. Now if you watch the english dub of Shin Chan or Ghost Stories it will be 10x funnier then the Japanese version.
Terrible Animes :(

Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix
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Terrible Animes :(
Dark_Pheonix @dark_pheonix