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Crobi @noire
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Crobi @noire
I didn't go to AnimeNEXT this year, fortunately, I've been hearing it's SUUUUPER terrible this year. I chose not to go to save money and also because of a bad experience from last year.

Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
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Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525

LunarVampire94 @lunarvampire94
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LunarVampire94 @lunarvampire94
damn oh well
New Cosplayer Here

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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New Cosplayer Here
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Oh darn! You're all the way across the country, way to go.
Am I doomed to be Single forever?

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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Am I doomed to be Single forever?
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Just updating everyone, I totally won the first 3 matches of Smash Bros. at the Castle Point Anime Convention! I didn't do as bad as I predicted I would.
Also, I have been out of a date since I broke up in January this year. Feels like a long time...I should pick up a chick soon. *lifts up chicken in Zelda fashion* Dun na na nahhh!
Apr 1
Jun 8-10
Aug 31-Sep 3