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May 14, 14 at 2:56am
Have u ever done it? Was it mean, hilarious, or hilariously mean?
It was kind of both. I was being dry about it they couldn't detect it, and when it came out that I was totally being sarcastic, it was hilarious.
Buji @buji commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 3:53am
i'm not often a troll, but it depends on who i'm trolling and where, but it's never all that mean I think everyone has at least once
Lamby @momoichi commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 4:28am
when did u trolled buji-kun? forums or inna game? same to u missallyesterday-chan
My friends and I have a habit of changing out avatar and steam name to a matching theme. It was previously the Ginyu force but now its the Starfox 64 team. During a Dota 2 game it's hillarious to hear "something must be wrong with your g-diffuser" when they die. Other good lines were: Should have used C to boost Help! Get this guy off me! Your father would have avoided that gank.
May 14, 14 at 6:38am
Not really proud of it because I meant to be a joke buuuuuuttt it kinda didn't turn out that way.....well of course otherwise why would I be here? Anyway this is half of what I posted in a relationship forum on with someone who was "still looking for their prince charming". I'VE ARRIVED!! *breaks through window on horseback looking like some weird version of Folgore from Zatch Bell* Hello everybody I am PRINCE CHARMING! *nose grows a few yards like Pinocchio and breaks more glass.....and said horse disappears in puff of smoke* *looks left, looks right* Nobody saw that right? *Folgore voice disappears*
May 14, 14 at 7:14am
Trolling is the funnest thing to do in serious situations ;D I troll at work
toe @toe commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 7:44am
You mean to say that there are people on the internet who would tell me lies and lull me into a false sense of security? The nerve.
In my case it was actually on the forums. >: Yeah, sorry guys. However, what the person said was kind of... not uncalled for, but kind of inappropriate and also maybe a little TMI. So, I took an idea and just rolled with it... the entire time.
I enjoy living under bridges, in my forest of mushrooms, and gnawidng on the bones of anything that passes.
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