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diamondahlia @diamondahlia
diamondahlia @diamondahlia
I made it down to 196 lb.s. ^_^

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Noice

diamondahlia @diamondahlia
diamondahlia @diamondahlia
Shoulder presses, preacher curls, and step aerobics.

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Hey that's pretty good!

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
left a comment for
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Welcome to the site
Hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun
What is it like dating you?

diamondahlia @diamondahlia
commented on
What is it like dating you?
diamondahlia @diamondahlia
My next partner I want to encourage my exercising, and to discourage breaking my diet.
I also want there to be online roleplay so we can have fun together.
Next time, I'm going to take it slow. Get to know him/her.
Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)

diamondahlia @diamondahlia
commented on
Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
diamondahlia @diamondahlia
I grew up with severe anxiety, and selective mutism. And, I first heard voices at fifteen.
Since treatment, I'm rarely mute, and just want to hang out with people.
Some day, I will be free of excess anxiety. I'm recovering well from it.