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astathedemon @astathedemon
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astathedemon @astathedemon
Hey! I, too, enjoy Princess Mononoke :)

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
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mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
hello there, how are you? want to talk anime?

marcellkun @marcellkun
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marcellkun @marcellkun
What's the reason you're single?

sugarmaid @sugarmaid
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What's the reason you're single?
sugarmaid @sugarmaid
Because we ended our relationship, haha.
Ladies and Gents (especially ladies)

sugarmaid @sugarmaid
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Ladies and Gents (especially ladies)
sugarmaid @sugarmaid
I think asking for her number might have made her uncomfortable, especially in her work place when she was just doing her job to help you. There's really no way to tell if she was trying to gently say "I'm not interested" or not, so maybe she does want to see you again in a more casual setting! The only way is to go talk to her, just maybe don't ask for her number this time. :>