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35 year old Female
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Dec 07, 23 at 5:39pm
The trick of surviving Ireland will be the cold, but I think you can do it.
Dec 07, 23 at 12:20am
1. I'll ask my family's opinion. If I had the cash I could have my mom help me deal with it... probably manage to triple it somehow XD (she's great with money) 2. I've done neither...so both would be fun to try. But I think I'm kind of weak, so probably customer service lol 3. Ohh, both would be interesting. I don't know who would annoy me more? But maybe the Joker 4. Both. I can't choose just one or the other lol. But for live action, Marvel and for animation it's DC for me 5. Ireland
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, then I choose Africa. I am terrible with the cold lol
yuuzora @yuuzora If you can build a fire and stay warm, it won't be so bad. Especially since there are a lot of tricks to shelter and plenty of clean water to draw from.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't know how to build a fire myself though XD. So I'd die
yuuzora @yuuzora What?! You don't know how to build a fire?! My goodness, my bestie was right. I'm the fkn unicorn of knowledge that isn't common anymore! Okay, so fire takes dry heat. So enough friction to create enough dry heat to cause combustion. In the best of scenarios you'd have a dry lighter or matches. In the worst of scenarios you can use metal against textured rock like flint or that stick rubbing technique I'm sure you've seen. It's one of the most fundamental survival skills you could ever have.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I've never had a reason to. I've never even been in a situation where I'd need to build a fire, like camping, I've never been camping before lol. And my parents never had time for it, let alone to build a fire
yuuzora @yuuzora Hek. It's a survival thing... so I always thought everyone's parents we obligated to teach it. Since not knowing it will get ye killed. It's always good to carry a first aid kit with a tiny survival kit. Flint striker is going to be the sturdiest, since even if it gets wet, it can still create a spark.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Our mom carries a first aid kit, but my parents were to worried about keeping us fed when we were younger XD. We definitely didn't have time to focus on a fire
yuuzora @yuuzora I understand. It is good you had parents, though. So you have the emotional and mental support that makes a more balanced person.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I was blessed to have a good childhood. Despite being homeless for a time and in poverty I remember being happy all the time
Dec 06, 23 at 5:18pm
Looks good. If you want to bring attention to your eyes rather than nose, part your hair over one of your eyes instead of down the center.
Dec 06, 23 at 12:50pm
Also just bought these... think it turned out alright x)
Marcus @marcus_k I didn't get a notif for this, and only saw this while checking your profile. Thanks! I've never heard of this or considered it o.o
Dec 04, 23 at 3:13pm
Batatas Fritas does technically make more specific sense.
RT @rtae86 commented on 20 Questions
Dec 03, 23 at 5:43pm
1. Kaiju or humanoid Titans? - Kaiju 2. Vocal or Instrumental christmas/holiday music? - Vocal 3. Zombies or vampires? - Vampires 4. Explore a cave or the deep ocean? - Honestly neither 5. Do you call them crisps or chips? - I call them "Batatas Fritas" cause I'm Portuguese
Dec 04, 23 at 3:11pm
Aye. Hydras are pretty cool. That would be King Gidorah.
Dec 03, 23 at 4:13pm
1. Kaiju coz I like hydras. Titans are just giant normal things with no fashion sense. Also they smell like mega balls and giga pits. 2. The normal shite, like "All I want for Christmas is youuuuu yeahhhh babayy!" 3. I'm a JoJo fan. I want BOTH. 4. MARINE BIOLOGY FUCK YEAH!! 5. Chips. They are chips of potato. Crisps? Anything can be a "crisp" if you burn it enough. Burn your ass cheeks to a "crisp" because of body dysmorphia? Hate your fat ass? Burn it to a "crisp". I guess it does make sense on pen and paper, but it sounds miserable. Edit: I guess anything can be a chip if you chip it enough...
Dec 01, 23 at 7:39pm
Light coffee also technically has more caffeine. As for legos, I am immune. I live in a part of the world, there is called a 'goat head' that's a kind of thorn from a tumbleweed that's got sharp spikes all around. So people who think legos hurt just make me laugh.
Dec 01, 23 at 2:18am
1. Dark or light coffee? --- light coffee. It just tastes better 2. Cheese or bread? --- BREAD. HOT FRESH CRISPY ON OUTSIDE SOFT ON INSIDE BREAD. 3. Rice or potato? --- Fuck....I really don't know. Damn near had a seizure trying to pick 4. Big house or small house? --- depends on what you mean by big. mansion? No. To me, a big house is 4 bedrooms each with their own bathroom, dining room, guest room, spacious kitchen, pool, big backyard. I'd love that 5. Walk barefoot on lego or hot coals? --- are Legos that painful? To be compared with hot coal XD idk I'd pick walking on legos
Nov 29, 23 at 6:38pm
OMG there's gonna be another Godzilla movie!!!!!!! But it isn't Mothra and I'm so royally pissed about that! Though they'd just make her into that disgustingly cringe "gurl boss" bullshit! But I'm still excited to see it and I hope Biollante will get more than an easter egg!
Nov 28, 23 at 10:13pm
Neither of these should be legal in Ireland, we'd go bankrupt as a country. x.x
Rain @rainx commented on Relatable
Nov 28, 23 at 5:33am
Nov 28, 23 at 10:08pm
Just a small technical correction, Iwazaru, Mizaru, and Kikazaru are the Japanese translation. Which is where the part of monkeys comes in, since it was a misunderstanding of the kanji. The full thing in Xunzi reads: Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" "非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動" I am guessing on the pinyin reading, since it's 3rd century, but I think it's "Fēilǐ wù shì, fēilǐ wù tīng, fēilǐ wù yán, fēilǐ wù dòng"
Nov 28, 23 at 4:35pm
That nothing is ever as it seems, and as my mother would say, '' Believe only half of what you see, and nothing that you hear and, only trust in yourself and what you know.'' Which I figured is a self-explained expression but, it effectively means nothing is ever as it seems, so when you see a scenario going down, a car crash or an altercation between people, if you aren't right there RIGHT exactly as it happens, you can't believe what you see, there could be more. Even if you're RIGHT there as it begins, these people could have known each other beforehand so it isn't everything either or a full story. ''Nothing that you hear'' implies to drama being spread, gossip etc. Everyone is always the talk of the town, so ignore anything bad or even good that you hear because people like to just talk. The last bit is trusting your intuition when something is off or wrong or maybe just not for you to get involved in and to walk away. A form to protect yourself from getting into troubles and woes that doesn't or won't concern you, because then people will try to make it all about you in the end and target you. Another way to see it, The legend of the three wise monkeys has its origin in Chinese mythology. It tells a striking story starring three curious characters. The protagonists are Kikazaru, the monkey that doesn't hear, Iwazaru, the monkey that doesn't speak and Mizaru, the monkey that doesn't see.
Nov 27, 23 at 6:36pm
Nevermind! Take it back! I literally never 'read' the books myself. I had them read to me as a child, so the name just didn't connect because I've never seen it written! My grandad read them to me in Irish. In Irish his name is "Feirmeoir Cruimh"
Nov 27, 23 at 4:52am
Nov 27, 23 at 6:33pm
What is this book?
Nov 27, 23 at 4:52am
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