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35 year old Female
Last online about 11 hours ago
Oct 20, 23 at 9:13pm
My cuntofamother had the audacity to report me and my sister to DSHS for 'abusing her'. They take the claim seriously and she's trying to get me to lie about what happened. Unfortunately for her, I have almost 200gb of evidence to the contrary and witness statements and case worker studies that it is the other way around. While I'm triggered as fuck hearing her have the fucking audacity to try spinning the story, I'm laughing because I can prove the opposite. Karma will bite her in the ass and I hope it takes out her femoral artery so we can finally be free.
Oct 20, 23 at 9:10pm
Omagoodness. I am rooting for you! <3
So... I've pocketed myself quite the life changing experience in just these few days. Twas like my true noble soul had awakened. If you actually read this stuff, I don't expect you all to believe it. If you do... Just hear me out.... FOR I AM BRIMMING WITH MOTIVATION! TIME TO SUCKER PUNCH KARMA RIGHT IN ITS UGLY FACE! Ahh... Excuse me. Few nights ago, my anger slipped and had another anger outburst... It ended with me stabbing a sauce injector into my chest just to get my point through. It was a shock feeling at first. and I dare say that being stabbed is near painless. As I was able to walk and talk normally, so the ambulance picked me up, and i was cuffed so i couldn't hurt myself anymore. But after all that was said and done, injector removed and stuff. However it was by court order that I stay in a temporary placement hospital for 3 days. To watch over me as we work a plans with a therapist and new meds. I quickly became pop among the other patients. I was fun to be around, but also well mannered overall. See, this is wear the pure gold heart part comes in, and it could be some trap, who knows? But one of said patients, around my age. Had a lot in common. here's the thing, She had no home to go to after her release. When I heard about it, it was almost like an instinct! I quickly became a dear friend to her. To the point she almost cried That I had to leave. What do I do? I offered her sanctuary in my home. I barely knew her as opposed to how much I think I know her. But Still. I took the risk of getting into trouble. None can say what the outcome will be, yet I jumped straight into the fire without a thought.... Is it Nobility? or is it Foolishness? I shall see in the days to come. But this.... It's just the motivation I needed to start getting my life on track! Now that I have something real to work for.... I'm just so excited for it! a job for a purpose! That's right. I quit my job. Now, I've applied at a local Italian Ice parlor thing. It may sound simple, but its fun, and colorful, pay is decent enough too! Ahhhhhh THE FEELING OF GETTING TO PLAN THE GREAT BEGGINING FUTURE AHEAD!! .... Ahem.. Sorry about that. https://media.tenor.com/KBefhn5IAE4AAAAd/jonathan-joestar-jjba.gif Now... my motivation didn't come from that alone. it also came through you, My friends here. Nah, everyone on MO. You guys/girls /nonbinaries really mean a lot to me, you know that? But yeah... I truly feel like its time for my character arc, and its gonna be huge!!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for yuuzora
Oct 20, 23 at 1:07am
I thought I'd never find a tea I actually like, Yuu-chan! But I tried a pumpkin spice tea yesterday and love it! I am drinking it different ways, so yesterday I had it plain and enjoyed it but tonight I put a tiny bit of sugar in it and it tastes even more delicious~
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Have you had pumpkin spice tea before or is it not in your taste range?
yuuzora @yuuzora I love it. In fact it's one of my favorite teas. Though I ususally make it myself with dried pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and black tea powder. I like to put a touch of almond milk in it to make it sweet and creamy. :)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't have almond milk but I have been using a tiny bit of sugar when drinking my Pumpkin tea, it's so good! I've been meaning to eat a pumpkin spice cake I have with it
yuuzora @yuuzora Hmmm. This year for Thanksgiving I'm trying to convince everyone to have a fancy tea party instead. I have a pumpkin tart recipe that will go famously well with a homemade pumpkin chai. Though I told my sister we'd make a fig(those are in season) or apple variety for her.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying If they still don't agree with you maybe you can make it a new mini tradition to have a tea party the day before Thanksgiving. It's like how me and my family nearing Thanksgiving make the dinner Snoopy made in Charlie Brown, it's our new tradition
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh? That's actually a really cute idea. It'll likely have to be after or before Thanksgiving since everyone's schedules recently changed.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, that's why I suggested before...or whenever everyone can gather would work just as well too. And do you plan on having multiple teas in this tea party or no?
yuuzora @yuuzora Likely it'll be one tea powder and two spice mixes, one with pumpkin and one with fig. Since my oldest sister doesn't like "pumpkin spice" things. Have you had fig before?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Your sister needs help XD, I'm joking. But I haven't had fig before, figs always looked funky and gross to me but then again I've never tried it so I shouldn't judge so quickly XD
Oct 19, 23 at 8:15pm
Being a nurse must definitely be stressful. I hope you take time for yourself so you don't get burned out?
Oct 18, 23 at 8:30am
1. Yes, i was saved by math 2. Yes, I went to a School of Nursing. I finished it in 2 years 3. Yes i am a very (ish) clean person 4. Yes i have no other choice (my roommates food taste like burnt eggs) 5. No, It's 4am i drank coffee. 6. Yes, I'm a nurse. 7. Yes, it's something i'm not proud of, but glad i did it. 8. Yes...i may have overreacted but...i was having a rough day ;-; 9. No.....me and my parents don't speak to each other anymore 10. I am stressed every day ^-^
Oct 19, 23 at 8:13pm
Ooo, chicken curry and rice? Been a long while since I had the energy to make curry. XD Pre Med? So that means you're planning on being a doctor? And particular focus?(like neurology/pediatrics/etc)?
Oct 17, 23 at 4:50pm
1. Did you graduate high school? --- I did. I did biology 2. Did you go to university/college? --- I graduated from college. Studied Pre Medical. I applied for university and my classes will start from the beginning of the new year 3. Did you make your bed this morning? --- hehehe I don't have to. My bed sheet is tucked into my bed so it doesn't move 4. Are you making dinner tonight? --- already did. It's almost 3 am now XD. I made rice with chicken curry 5. Have you drank water today? --- I drink water like an elephant. I pee like a pressure washer 6. Do you have a job? Yes I'm a tutor. I teach middle school kids 7. Have you ever been fired from a job? --- nope I'm my own boss muahaha 8. Was the reason you got fired your fault? --- doesn't apply UwU 9. Have you called your parents this week? --- well yeah we live in the same home so XD 10. Are you feeling particularly stressed today? --- OH YEAH UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS ARE A BITCH
Amir @amir_bahram I studied Pre med, then gave a Law Admission Test to get into Law school, and now I'm gonna study business XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh. That's pretty different. Are you liking law more than medicine?
Amir @amir_bahram I really don't like medicine. And now I like business more than law
yuuzora @yuuzora Ah I see. Well, you're young so you have plenty of time to test the waters. I hope you find success either way.
Oct 13, 23 at 8:11pm
Ghost tacos with tiny bit of ghost pepper.... hmmmmmm....
1. You ride through fog and darkness to arrive at a city with very tall walls and are organized into a gatehouse. Once into the city, it looks practically primitive, some of them have odd shaped ears. What do you do? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wonder why I'm stuck with this group in spirit . 2. Everyone who was originally in your party is distraught. The little girl wails, wanting to go home already. Her mother wants to console her but isn't sure how to comfort her. Do you do anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haunt her with my ghost abilities I suppose 3. Your pocket kitty then begins purring, "The air smells much nicer now! Can we please eat something? You could use a nap, too, I bet!" What do you do? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eat ghost tacos 4. If you're not a filthy European, none of these buildings look very familiar. There isn't a single bit of electricity in sight. If you are familiar with European architecture, this city doesn't look too different from the oldest parts of Killarney(Ireland) or the most ancient parts of Marseille(France). There are now another group of soldiers staring at you. One of the birds on their shoulders asks, "Who the hell are these people? Where did you find this riffraff?" Do you say anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whisper to the cat "I think they can see me, spooky" 5. The pocket kitty cries, "And here I was thinking I was special speaking human! Does this mean... we're in some other place from where we were born?"What do you say?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- punch them all only to realize I'm ethereal and then weep in ghost
Criselington @criselington Got to try for those ghost foods
Oct 12, 23 at 10:11pm
In Korea and Japan the top picture is normal for all of us. Though if you ask me, stuff in top is cheap and doesn't work good.
Oct 12, 23 at 10:10pm
Bish you can pay to have someone build a bridge. And also in my grandmother's country, miai still exist! Also, you probably are an aunt. Also, you can have both. Tell those fuckers who think woman can't be happy with her life's work(which might be an actually good cause that helps people) that they're stupid and shouldn't tell people how to live their lives. ;p
Oct 12, 23 at 9:37pm
My sister has a grey floof, too. Lemme see if I can get her to hold still long enough. All I have is tea cups...... that'll have to do.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for yuuzora
Oct 10, 23 at 11:42pm
My mom hasn't eaten the almond joys yet, but so far they smell exactly like them (which if my eldest sister messed that up that'd be worrying XD). Here's the link if you want to try making these, the notes on the site give a suggestion of which chocolate is preferable for the almond joys: https://frommybowl.com/homemade-almond-joy-bars/
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh yes. Thank you kindly. It looks relatively easy, too.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying It really is easy! And it's no problem at all, I hope your best friend's mom enjoys them ^-^
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