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Strike Class @adamvt
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Strike Class @adamvt
Best steak ever! Sounds great.

bribeats @bribeats
bribeats @bribeats
It's been a little short staffed, people keep quitting because there moving. (This hospital is kinda in a dangerous area)

I need to touch grass. @joemama711
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Oh thats wack af, shouldn't they have more nurses or split the extra rounds?

bribeats @bribeats
bribeats @bribeats
It really depends how long this hospital needs me, sometimes things pop up and they need me like 2 hours longer.

I need to touch grass. @joemama711
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Damn, do you think you could try setting some time up later so you could get some practice in?
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bribeats @bribeats
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cursed images
bribeats @bribeats

20 Questions

bribeats @bribeats
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20 Questions
bribeats @bribeats
1. Yes i love Halloween
2. I never got to as a kid, and when i was able to as a teenager, i was too old to, so now.
4. Yes, scared the shit out of me
5. Never