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veggierad @veggierad
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veggierad @veggierad
Hey hey. Wanna chat sometime?

matty_poo @matty_poo
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matty_poo @matty_poo
Same to you, and awesome avatar. Loved xxxholic.

chess777 @chess777
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chess777 @chess777 Do u have a facebook or Twitter my email is well actually I have 2 it is and and my cell is 732-618-0687. And do u been on a date
New Tsubasa Chronicles Manga??

wingedshadows88 @wingedshadows88
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New Tsubasa Chronicles Manga??
wingedshadows88 @wingedshadows88
omg, I'm sooo excited to hear this! Tsubasa Chronicles is one of my favorite manga, along with xxxHolic. Looking forward to reading more! ^_^
confused about berserk ending

wingedshadows88 @wingedshadows88
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confused about berserk ending
wingedshadows88 @wingedshadows88
This is simply one of the best manga I have ever read. The characters, the story, the's amazing. The only downside is how slowly it is being released. If you don't like to be left hanging for months (years) on end, definitely wait until it's finished (though that will be a long time coming). I would LOVE to see more of the manga animated. The Golden Age arc is just the very tip of a very big iceberg.