waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
Why not both
Random thoughts...

115 @siruboo
commented on
Random thoughts...
115 @siruboo
I'm still here wondering if a girl that waved at me likes me or she's just nice. Story of my life.

115 @siruboo we are friends at least. but only because we are in the same office.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann That's good. Are you interested in them?

115 @siruboo i like all girls that are nice to me.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann Then it's good to become friends with them

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
That's super cool!! What other stuff you got?!
Anime figures

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Anime figures
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit

I got Denji at FanExpo in Boston back in August

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit On the shelf? That's Master Chief to the left, but that's my friend/roommate's, same with the Pipboy in the back. Everything else there is mine. Spyro, the Purple Dragon, the Red Cloak with Spikes is Spawn, behind him is Godzilla, and the winged kaiju behind Godzilla is Destoroyah. I have a few more things in my room I'll share later.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann I'm looking forward to seeing it all!

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit I know there's one piece you'll love...

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann I'll be waiting keke

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
No, what is gob? (If its a DN joke, go ahead.)

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann At first, I was like...what is DN?
Deez nutz! Got it.
No, it's the whoopie pies. I miss them lol

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
I have had one.
I do not practice the occult. I did play the ouija board once with my family lol.
Oh, I guess there was that one time when I was a kid and played bloody Mary at the church bathroom with some other girls. I can't remember if we finished because I remember only running away.
I don't believe I'm currently being harassed.
I do. I do, believe it's not butter.
Cryptids are terrifyingly interesting. Skin walkers give me the shivers.
How about you?
20 Questions

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
20 Questions
Chocopyro @chocopyro
1: Have you ever had a paranormal encounter?
2: What level of experience do you have with occult practice?
3: Are you being harassed by negative entities?
4: Do you believe its not Butter?
5: What about cryptids? Which one is your favorite?

Chocopyro @chocopyro 1: Yes, I normalize it. 2: I practice psionics and energy manipulation. I am somewhat knowledgeable about magick, but no real practice in it. 3: Not so much anymore, a lot of them are scared of me. 4: It gets me sometimes, but yes. 5: Probably the snallygaster.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann What is the snallygaster and why are they afraid of you? Lol

Chocopyro @chocopyro The snallygaster is a vintage cryptid from the dutch amish in Rosevelt's day. As for negative entities, we learned when ghost hunting in multiple spirit box and dowsing sessions that demons and negative entities tend to run away whenever I enter an area because they know I can harm them through energy work. I'm not the kinda guy who chases things around and tries to exorcise them, but I will give them a bonk if they get too problematic for me, other people, or nicer entities.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
Since I just came back.... I just wanted to post smexy waifus. Lol
We could go back to Thicc Thursday I suppose lul

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Chocopyro @chocopyro
What's the theme again?

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
Thnx :3
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack MO

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack MO
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
Welcome back, Curious Soul

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

Waddap hoe? ;]

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Welcome back! I also returned to this site after a year just two days ago! Do you know what that means if we're back at the same time? It is a call from the lewd anime gods and goddesses to revive our favorite thread!

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann lulul yes yes

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Ayo welcome back ann :3

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann Thankies ^^

ThePandaTyrant @thepandatyrant
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ThePandaTyrant @thepandatyrant
Chobits is one of my favorites too. Have you seen "The Gene of AI"? It's a new show that delves into human relationships with ai as well.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann I'll need to check that out o: They are making some insane progress on AI. Hopefully....no skynet.....xP