adamunfriended @adamunfriended
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adamunfriended @adamunfriended
Is zero two your waifu?
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Changed a little
calchan92 @calchan92 love the tattoos! super cute!
owenschmoisman @owenschmoisman
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owenschmoisman @owenschmoisman
Based dokuro-chan enjoyer
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
I guess the people who called me ugly and fat one year ago are pretty stunned when they see me
auntron_ @auntron_ Way to go (^^)b! The best revenge is living well B).
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
Would it be evil if I read your Bio and then said "Someone call Dio!"?
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
New hairstyle
Amir @amir_bahram Wow it looks good!
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Finally back on here
owenschmoisman @owenschmoisman
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owenschmoisman @owenschmoisman
6 cats and 10 dogs jesus christ
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Such a gentelmen
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
A sneak peek through some line dialogues I have to introduce in my book, hope you like it.
IceDemon @grayicedemonslayer This stuff is really good
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot A challenger is near! Bit late, may I say. Let us stage, we authors are as clever as people get.