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39 year old Male
Last online about 1 year ago
Aug 07, 13 at 1:13pm
Nice to meet you Nick, I'm Ariel. I'm fine, how about you?
Aug 07, 13 at 11:04am
No one who offers to do any help has any skills. That'd be like letting your milkman fix your car. Wouldn't get your car fixed.
Yeah. I'll be using that when I go the the beach on Saturday! Hope I'll find some people on there. XD
Red @redhawk left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 05, 13 at 11:43pm
whats up, you seem like a chill person
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 05, 13 at 1:18am
I'll try not to, but as I've said before I forget. But I'll try. Actually, I'm part time but I work between 35 and 40 hours a week so... yeah. Not sure what's going on there but I'm not going to argue against it. I need the money. Well, people can be very stupid and unnecessarily rude. I work in a clothing store and I'm just a regular associate. People get very iffy about clothes and prices. I mean, if you can't afford it, don't buy it. I wasn't gone. I was just... away. Lol.
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 05, 13 at 12:49am
Haha, I always come back. Always a long while, but I do. I've been extremely tired. I work in retail and with back to school and tax free weekend coming up... yeah, you can just imagine. I hate humanity at the moment. Lol, the list sounded very important considering the specifics of numbers given.
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 05, 13 at 12:35am
I have both a short attention span and a short term memory. Not a great combo to have. I tend to forget about this site, sadly. But I'm back... sorta. Lol. Howdy. And wow, top 5? Who's number 1?
Aug 04, 13 at 3:49am
I'm doing well :) And I should be on scattered here and there :) I have wifi, so when I'm not busy I can ^^ Its just that in most of my spare time I've been studying Japanese lol :D But I'll make a conscious effort to get on more often :)
Aug 03, 13 at 10:33am
We..as in..My brother and I. :P I don't play my wii much either. I seem to prefer my 3DS since it's portable and I can play everywhere I go. I can't tell you how many games I started and didn't finish... OTL
Not old. XD I'm an ovaltine addict. It's good thing it's healthy too. Birth By Sleep was such an amazing game. I cried. ;A; We sold our gamecube because of getting the Wii.