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e_bon @e_bon
left a comment for
Alexis Lynn
e_bon @e_bon
Based on your bio I am thrilled to know that this site has worked for someone. Good Luck in MD. We have a bunch of local cons, check 'em out.

nihon_hai @nihon_hai
left a comment for
Alexis Lynn
nihon_hai @nihon_hai
I remember you!

Brian @razasharpz
left a comment for
Alexis Lynn
Brian @razasharpz
This account has been suspended.
Otakon Organized Meetup

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
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Otakon Organized Meetup
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
my cosplays are set in stone now! :D I'll be cosplaying as Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII, Asuna from Sword Art online (my boyfriend is doing Kirito ;) ), and the Amu/Dia transformation from Shugo Chara :3 I'm so sad I don't get to use my alice one for this con :(
the longest or shortest relationship?

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
the longest or shortest relationship?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
well, I only count the one that I'm currently in as my first real relationship, so my longest and shortest is almost 10 months now but it hasn't ended nor do I see it ending.