the longest or shortest relationship?

takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
the longest or shortest relationship?
takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
What has been your longest relationship and how do you keep it going and what has been your shortest and why did it end so fast?

Drelzar @zombiephoenix
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the longest or shortest relationship?
Drelzar @zombiephoenix
The longest relationship I was in lasted about a year and 10 months. Though most of that time we were engaged. We were 18 at the time. I think the main reason it lasted so long was that we both really wanted it to work, but distance and some other things prevented it. The shortest relationship I was in lasted for 6 months, and ended because I didn't have what she was looking for at the time.

toe @toe
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the longest or shortest relationship?
toe @toe
Longest relationship ended not too long ago and it last for over a year and a half, it ended pretty badly but c'est la vie.
Shortest would literally be a day.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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the longest or shortest relationship?
yaasshat @yaasshat
6 1/2 yrs longest and shortest. I've really only had two and am currently 11 months into my second one. Broke up because of...Well, I don't know seeing as I was never given a reason other than a text on Valentine's day while working saying she couldn't take it anymore, but I can take a good guess on what "it" was,indecision on my part. Live and learn. I've had dates, but unless it's something worth calling serious, I don't count it as a real relationship at least not for me.

TheAnran @arazno
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the longest or shortest relationship?
TheAnran @arazno
Longest 2 Months and shortest 2 Weeks. I really dont had luck with my Partners, the one with shortest only wanted to control me and with the Longest It didnt work out by distance

Rain @rainx
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the longest or shortest relationship?
Rain @rainx
2 1/2 years was my longest and six weeks was my shortest. At least relationships I had that evolved out of the dating phase and into full blown bf/gf. The one lasted as long as it did because we got along well and moving basically ended it. Shortest was more infatuation than anything. We didn't have much in common at the end of the day.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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the longest or shortest relationship?
Kyetge! @kyetge
Four days is my shortest! In middle school, they made some guy who liked me ask me out for V-Day. You know the type, where communication is a friends-through-friends-through-friends deal. That's how we broke up, too.
A year and a half-ish is my longest.

Nate @myrhev
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the longest or shortest relationship?
Nate @myrhev
Longest was about 8 months. The shortest was... hrm... that is hard to say because I don't feel it is a relationship if it is only a few dates, so maybe 3 months.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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the longest or shortest relationship?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I'm going to say 4 years was my longest. We kept it going by keeping communication, making sure to do outings together at least once a week, and just agreeing to disagree sometimes. Sometimes it just doesn't matter who is wrong or right, and while you want to push the issue it's just better to move on from it. It's kind of part of compromise. Another part that kept us together was patience. It really made the difference, but I feel like the guy was way too patient with me. Even though we aren't together anymore, I'm glad he's found someone that really fulfills his needs.
My shortest was 3 months. In retrospect I think he knew he was going to have to get into a long-term relationship soon for whatever reason, and he just wanted to do everything he wanted to do beforehand! So that meant dating the girl who crushed on him in high school. (Me) I really liked him but looking back there was no chemistry, either. So while I'm not sure he went buck-wild for a bit, I'm glad he's married now and has a nice family.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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the longest or shortest relationship?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
5 years.
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