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HolyGoddess @holygoddess
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HolyGoddess @holygoddess
his Status: Taken by me XD
State: KS now hehehe

Mazukami @mazukami
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Mazukami @mazukami
XD a balcony? never heard that one before LMAO
Yes art is the greatest self therapy ~nod nod~
You frequent Deviantart by chance? DA is a really good place to showcase your work for free
Been using it for years.
If you have an account there lets link up ^=^

xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
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xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Hey, you seem like a nice laid-back person...I liked xxxholic too (the manga more so than the anime, but the anime was good too)..for some reason, a lot of my friends seem to favor Tsubasa over xxxholic, but xxxholic is so well-written >_< anyway, nice to meet you =)
Maiotaku works

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
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Maiotaku works
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
HeartGold. Figured most people like Lugia version better so I got the Ho-oh version. XP
Maiotaku works

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
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Maiotaku works
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
Yeah. I haven't been this happy in a long time. It's almost like we were made for one another. ^_^ But yeah. My ankle is really hurting bad. Not so much when I'm resting it... But it's like needles when I have to walk. But it does give me an excuse to hang out and play Pokemon and call her. We both have free nights and weekend so yeah. ^v^