Maiotaku works

a @animegirl4ever09189
Maiotaku works
a @animegirl4ever09189
So I joined maiotaku more out of sper of the moment then anything else. So I got matched and looked through the matches. I then picked 3 of the hottest guys maiotaku paired me with. I sent emails to two of them and friend requests to all three of them
So I got replies to the emails and replyed to both of them. however one of them cought my eye and I got excited over his email most of all My friend had told me that she added him to IM and was chatting with him I wasn't mad or upset over it but scared that she would scare him off
I then added him to IM the next day and we chatted
and in that moment I realized why compared to the other 2 I chose Him to add to IM to chat with and learn more about
He's my other
soulmate? maybe I'll see when I meet him at anime next ( a new reason to love anime next ) but there's an undeniable connection
a chemistry
I love him and only barely know him but yeah..he's the connection I've been yearning for
so to all those desperate, down on their luck, insane with loneliness
this place works
just trust
and dive in

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
Maiotaku works
anarqe @anarqe
Congratz, I hope everyone can find someone, even if it is just new friends.

NDA @zero21x
commented on
Maiotaku works
NDA @zero21x
OMG WHY wasnt i picked! xD jk good luck im going to anime next also! maybe XD(guess im not hot)

a @animegirl4ever09189
commented on
Maiotaku works
a @animegirl4ever09189
@ zero21x
I can't really comment one way or another since your picture doesn't give much away and lol Awsome and maybe you'll find someone there or on here too

NDA @zero21x
commented on
Maiotaku works
NDA @zero21x
lol i was mainly just looking xD for gaming friends but suure yeah my picture doesnt show much =P never got to uploading more and cya at the convention i might go with my friends also

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
commented on
Maiotaku works
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
It does work. ^_^ I'm another happy camper. Met my certain someone on here and we are already talking about me going up and meeting her around convention season.(AKA October.) And the "camper" statement is kind of a joke to myself. Going on a cub scout camping trip tomorrow with my little brother. Even funnier is that the day before the trip AKA today, I twisted my ankle. XD ... But yeah. I'm very happy I met her. Gotta give my regards to Sephy for making the site that brought us together. ^_^

a @animegirl4ever09189
commented on
Maiotaku works
a @animegirl4ever09189
@ scarecrowK
thats great! and I'm planing to do the same only a double date possibly in may THEN an anime convention
and oh the irony and yeah! whoop!

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
commented on
Maiotaku works
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
Yeah. I haven't been this happy in a long time. It's almost like we were made for one another. ^_^ But yeah. My ankle is really hurting bad. Not so much when I'm resting it... But it's like needles when I have to walk. But it does give me an excuse to hang out and play Pokemon and call her. We both have free nights and weekend so yeah. ^v^

a @animegirl4ever09189
commented on
Maiotaku works
a @animegirl4ever09189
@ scarecrowK
thats great ( about u being happy) and hmmhm thats how it is for me and "Vrial" his mai otaku username is we just have so much in commen right down to some stuff we want to do before we die and such its amazing
awsome which pokemon game?

NDA @zero21x
commented on
Maiotaku works
NDA @zero21x
lol happy for u both and uploaded more pics xD hopefully that works nexttime someone searches
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