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about 4 years ago
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octakon912 @octakon912 left a comment for rury05
Feb 15, 21 at 5:03am
Hello, nice to meet you.
Feb 09, 21 at 10:03pm
I have not! I really want to try with Pokemon Sword, but I need to see how the rules are. What about you?
Jacob @jacobl89 left a comment for rury05
Feb 09, 21 at 8:27pm
Hey, welcome to the site, your ever run a Nuzlocke
Jacob @jacobl89 I have, Been trying Pokemon Emerald today. First Attempt I lost to Watson due to being under prepared and having caught pokemon that are not up to task. This attempt I am up to Flannery but just had all my pokemon beside my Starter combusken faint. So now I got to raise a few others up. Here are the most Basic rules. 1. You have to name each pokemon you catch. This is to build an emotional bond with them. 2. You can only catch 1 pokemon per route and it must be the first pokemon. Most people play with a duplicate clause. This states that if you encounter a pokemon you already have it will not count towards your first encounter in that area. 3. When a pokemon faints it is considered dead. You can do one of two things with them. Actually release them, or you can put them in a dead box to remember them by. I choose the dead box. Optional rules. 1. Level Cap. Look up the highest level of the gym leader you will challenge and do not use pokemon above that level. 2. No in battle healing items, or items at all. 3. No help items in battle. 4.Randomly choose starter pokemon. There are tons of others but that is the rule set I have played with. The biggest challenge is considering RNG and countering the worst possible outcome constantly. At first this was frustrating but I really like the challenge now.
Jacob @jacobl89 left a comment for rury05
Feb 09, 21 at 8:27pm
Hey, welcome to the site, your ever run a Nuzlocke
Is there a way to delete messages or friends? I can't seem to find the button (kinda newer here).
Feb 09, 21 at 10:01pm
It's looks terrifying from what I've seen of it. I hope you're able to find and play it! Makes it hard to go to arcades at this time.