BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Mr. Rogers
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Likin the new look m8, no homo
dabi @yukimura
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Mr. Rogers
dabi @yukimura
haha yeah i do ^^ and thank u :3
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Mr. Rogers
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Everything else is up to you guys.
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Mr. Rogers
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn i do that the other way around, pepsi in a Coca cola glass B)
BurningHalo @burninghalo You're my favorite flavor of evil fun...
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn in fact i do it everytime i drink pepsi B)
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn also i'm honored ^^
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio "Pepsi bottle, Coca cola glass... iDoN't GiVe A dAmN"
Lamby @momoichi
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Mr. Rogers
Lamby @momoichi
i totally didnt forget OWO
lemme see progress please rafael-dono!!
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Mr. Rogers
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio this is hypnotizing and cute at the same time
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Thanks. Cuteness achieved!
Bitch please @tabris
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Mr. Rogers
Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio claro que si weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Bitch please @tabris - Desafortunadamente no. La siguiente vez que vaya hacia el sur lo voy a probar. No se si aca en el norte sepa igual. Yo pienso que no
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Me dicen que donde sabe bien es en méxico y veracruz.
Bitch please @tabris - ¿Te refieres al estado de mexico o al DF?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio ambos (practicamente son lo mismo hoy xD)
Bitch please @tabris - Eso es cierto. Desde morro que no voy al DF. Put4 V3rga ya estoy bien viejo. El pulque esta en la lista de las cosas que voy a probar antes de que me muera
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Mr. Rogers
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Rafael the Duck reporting for duty
savinangel @savinangel
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Mr. Rogers
savinangel @savinangel
Hey thank you ☺☺ very much I to hope to enjoy my time here
KuroK @kurok
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
KuroK @kurok
You have a cool aura about you, and are always funny in your posts. For that you deserve love. Love!