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1.21jiggawattz @invisiblehalo
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1.21jiggawattz @invisiblehalo
Konnichiwa the names Jose nice to meet you
(> <)

sesshomaru1983 @sesshomaru1983
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sesshomaru1983 @sesshomaru1983
hi there my name is david

noirfrog @noirfrog
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noirfrog @noirfrog
I am new to the site and looking for friends.
Does size matters?

mysticrice @mysticrice
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Does size matters?
mysticrice @mysticrice
I’m facepalming myself on the degree of this turnaround topic.
Do you feel lonely?

mysticrice @mysticrice
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Do you feel lonely?
mysticrice @mysticrice
I don’t like loneliness. However it’s strange cause sometimes when there are people that are talking to me, sometimes I want to be alone to do things that i want to do.
All i’m saying is being lonely makes me sad and drains me. :<