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kingdom @kingdom
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kingdom @kingdom
Thanks! ^ ^"

Immy @immy
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Immy @immy
Hi there! I'm alright thank you, how are you? :)

anstona @anstona
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anstona @anstona
Thanks :)
Looking to meet some new people! Friends or SOs! [19M]

Hiiragen @kindestregards
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Looking to meet some new people! Friends or SOs! [19M]
Hiiragen @kindestregards
Hey Ginseng, welcome to the site! Best regards to you.
Favorite Video Game Soundtrack?

Hiiragen @kindestregards
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Favorite Video Game Soundtrack?
Hiiragen @kindestregards
The 2d Castlevania games had quite a few tracks that left quite an impact on me. Still like to listen to them now and again!