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The Broke N Bitchless

Last online about 7 hours ago
I was going to get priemer cereal but they were sold out so I figured id try something else, oats and chia seeds have always been okay to me but the mainstar is the Kroger vanilla bean greek yogurt and the ryse blueberry muffin protei. Powder.
Feb 19, 24 at 7:24pm
Gonna be poopin' like a champ(Lots of fiber, but good fiber.). Want more great poops? Add chia or quinoa for that extra fiber punch and top it all off with a big pot of strong black coffee.lol As a bonus, caffeine is supposed to boost the metabolism. Just wondering, since I'm to lazy to look it up. Why not grape nuts, instead? It's no fat, less calories and less sugar. Same sort of nutrients, too.
yaasshat @yaasshat Sounds tasty either way. Good energy boost and it'll satiate.
Thank you so much for this and the good vibes! I love you too. This is awesome ^_^❤️
Feb 19, 24 at 12:25am
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Joe! Happy Birthday to you! I hope today is able to be enjoyed by you, whether it's doing something big or even taking advantage of the simple things in life and just treating yourself to something you really like. No arguments about this with me on your Birthday UwU, but you deserve happiness and to be happy...I don't know what you are going through or even what you may have gone through recently, but you deserve to see that bit of light in the world (which is you). So make today your day in whatever way possible and shine your beautiful light on the world (or treasure it for yourself rn as it's YOUR special day). This got way longer than I expected, but have a very Happy Birthday, Joe! I love you ❤️
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying No need to thank me! It was fun to make and my pleasure, I'm glad you like it! I tried to make an awesome card for an awesome man ^^ ❤️
Feb 19, 24 at 12:25am
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Joe! Happy Birthday to you! I hope today is able to be enjoyed by you, whether it's doing something big or even taking advantage of the simple things in life and just treating yourself to something you really like. No arguments about this with me on your Birthday UwU, but you deserve happiness and to be happy...I don't know what you are going through or even what you may have gone through recently, but you deserve to see that bit of light in the world (which is you). So make today your day in whatever way possible and shine your beautiful light on the world (or treasure it for yourself rn as it's YOUR special day). This got way longer than I expected, but have a very Happy Birthday, Joe! I love you ❤️
I'll be 31 in 2 hoursish huh feels weird but I also feel kinda empty lol.
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Happy birthday! I hope it feels more fulfilling as the day goes on.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Thank you again! Ive been enjoying the free birthday rewards
It's almost your Birthday, it's almost your Birthday, it's almost your Birthday. I hope you like your card! (When you get to see it. I tried my best...but I could do better I feel XD)
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Haha im sure I will, its something home made so I appreciate it!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Sadly it's digital (I have NO pretty paper whatsoever and I was not giving you irl crappy paper as a card UwU). But I hope you are still able to enjoy it, if I had money I would totally get you a gift and ask if you have a P.O. box I could send it to...but alas I am broke rn :(
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Haha it was still made at home ba dum plus noo i cant accept your money since you wont accept any of mine
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying But it's not money UwU. It's a gift (that isn't just money sksksk)
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Its fineee i got 100 bucks so im happy lol. Plus getting buncha free stuff from companies is nice
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yay! 100 bucks! We love free money
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Soooo...since we love free money you wouldn't argue if I ever sent you a random note filled with money? XD
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 XD im argueing with you since you dont take my cash app donations and questioning how you got the moneh when you're broke :P
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't mean now silly! I mean in the future when I'm not so broke XD
First time in awhile staying up past 9:30 pm @_@
Yup several terms and words are being created each generation I believe.
Feb 17, 24 at 4:43pm
Oh interesting.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. I'm ESL so things can get me lost really easily. Especially those slangs, certain nuances, and plural/singular things. One really learns new things everyday. It's a little overwhelming at times.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 I didnt know what ESL meant till I had to google it, you're right its a nonstop journey to learn things if you want though, ignorance is always bliss but learning can be fun. Whats your first language?
yuuzora @yuuzora Ires Gaelige is my first language. I've been learning English since I was about 9. But I was a stubborn little shit, so it took me longer than my other siblings. And yeah, ESL English as Second Language. Japanese as a third. What about you? Are you a monolinguist?
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Ires Gaelige looks confusing to me honestly but yeah I only know English, never really had a interest in learning other languages along with a lot of other things i never really cared for haha. Do you enjoy learning new languages and new culture as a hobby?
yuuzora @yuuzora I don't really know. I just learn them because I grew up with a mixed cultural background. I was born in Ardaigh, but moved to America, making learning English a requirement then my nan was born in Miyazu in the western coast of Japan, so she taught me Japanese. I haven't really tried learning other language other than Cantonese and Vietnamese, since most of my friends are from those places. Do you know what dialect/accent of English you have?
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 That sounds rather complicated at least having to move place to place hope your family is doing better now. Ehhh its weird im from Florida, my moms german and not sure about my dad I dont have a accent unless I jokingly try so I couldnt tell you really.
yuuzora @yuuzora Technically everyone has an accent. Florida sounds quite different to Maine and California. Do you say soda, pop, or cola? Do you say 'gator rather than alligator? While I'm not highly into linguistics, guessing where people are from based on what they speak is very fun. It's actually a bit strange to hear about Germans settling into Florida, so I think your family story would be fascinating.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Fair some are just stronger then others, I say soda, aligator didnt really grow up with the country twang accent lol. Maybe my mom was tired of the cold qnd wanted to go somewhere warm and picked Florida? Im not really sure i didnt checj out the family history. I just know my mom wanted to get away from my grandpa
yuuzora @yuuzora Escaping the cold is a lot of the reason many people migrate. Even in this area the winters are bitter cold like my home country. Most people closer to the east coast of Florida have an 'even' accent that doesn't have the 'drawl' of those on the border to Georgia. At least from what I've noticed.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Makes sense I dont think I could ever get used to it, hell even it barely being windy and cold here is a bit much though the summers are just awful too. Hey maybe if we voice call sometime you can tell
yuuzora @yuuzora My accent is really heavy, most people can barely understand me or think I'm a child. But if you want to add me on Discord.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Hey its your only voice :P can always try and learn with speaking lessons. Sure im on Discors too
Several defintions for the word apprently that is one of them.
Feb 17, 24 at 4:08pm
I thought Dink was a racial slur against Vietnamese?
:/ of course the internet goes out on the fucking weekend and they gotta call a tech to come fix it. Fuckers