Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Looks and sounds awful honestly lol God speed brother
what are you doing right now?
Arc @arc
commented on
what are you doing right now?
Arc @arc
brain is hurting defining selenium methods. Here is an example of what I'm working on using web automation. Basically I add a promo and then validate that it is discounted correctly:
def ApplyPromo():
assert totalAmount != 0
driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".promoCode").send_keys("Big20")
driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".promoBtn").click()
# promo code may take up to 10 seconds, so you need to apply an explicit wait here to extend the time in this case
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
wait.until(expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".promoInfo")))
promoText = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "promoInfo").text
assert promoText == "Code applied ..!"
discountPercentage = int((driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".discountPerc").text).strip('%'))
discountedTotal = (totalAmount - (totalAmount / discountPercentage))
currency = locale.currency((discountedTotal / 100), grouping=True)
assert discountedTotal == float(driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".discountAmt").text)
print("Total after discount = " + str(currency))
Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Dude WHAT LOL I figured they would break!
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
You're welcome, hope ya have a good time.
angerissuequeen @angerissuequeen
angerissuequeen @angerissuequeen
This account has been suspended.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
noticed the MMBN pfp, did you get the Legacy Collection?
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Best kinda salad ^_^
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Finished watching arcane, i see why everyone was hyped about it. I might watch some league but the community is pretty toxic
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Lunges tommorow :")
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
3 interviews lined up xD
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Litter box cake lmao