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cornxchan @cornxchan
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cornxchan @cornxchan
omg i love the miku figures <3

Tab @tabwater
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Tab @tabwater
I WISH, but too bad I am dirt poor hahaha (living the student life)
Oh but I do have that one Konata Izumi figurine that someone got me! Oh and WTH I just noticed you can even see it in my profile pic hahah wth

Tab @tabwater
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Tab @tabwater
That is a pretty nice collection you ahve there 0.0 I want that.
Hello out there!!

Jooper94 @ikoma
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Hello out there!!
Jooper94 @ikoma
Thank you, Don't know what it is I am looking for but I'm looking forward to finding out Haha yes indeed you do see to love ru, yami is the best character in it. Just for the fact she can turn her hair into fists haha.
Hello out there!!

Jooper94 @ikoma
Hello out there!!
Jooper94 @ikoma
Hi there. Not sure what exactly to say, not very good for introductions but here goes. Thought I would give the site a go see I find can make some friends on here. Hopefully meet some people nearby also as many of my friends are not into animes really.