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jose1990 @jose1990
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jose1990 @jose1990
do you use Skype or telegram or anything we can chat

zeezeebday @zeezeebday
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zeezeebday @zeezeebday
im great, and you?

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Welcome to MO.
New person tip: Check the forums.
I recommend "Random Chatter", topic "truth or dare". It's a great way to have fun getting to know the other members.
"Last one to post here wins" is a popular thread too, but totally random.
Anime scenes that made you cry

honeydrop @honeydrop
commented on
Anime scenes that made you cry
honeydrop @honeydrop
I had a very hard time with the last episode of K Project (season one). Also, if it's a sports anime...chances are I have at least become misty eyed at one point.
What game are you currently playing?

honeydrop @honeydrop
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
honeydrop @honeydrop
I've been playing Akiba's Trip and a little Stardew Valley here and there.
Sep 13-15
Feb 28-Mar 2
Sep 12-14
Feb 27-Mar 1