Fuck you MO @draig
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Fuck you MO @draig
This account has been suspended.
Arc @arc Veru and I were cracking up at that XD
She said yes, it was like that.
I never did get the chance to watch Superhero Movie. A lot of people think fart jokes are juvenile but damn I laugh so hard every time
Fuck you MO @draig XD poor Veru, she took the full force of your toxic poison
Titi @alihawk
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Titi @alihawk
Keto-off day 2. Spaghetti squash with a home made creamy sausage and mushroom sauce.
Titi @alihawk
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Titi @alihawk
Keto-off accepted! I thought carrots are a no-no! Here’s my dinner tonight.
MaliceRaven @maliceraven nioce. This looks so good.
Arc @arc @alihawk Oh shit I forgot! Okay...you win this time. That's a nice looking fish :3
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Oyabun @senpaisamasan
I should've invested in bitcoin
Arc @arc you and me both
115 @siruboo
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115 @siruboo
115 @siruboo im listening to this right now. i didnt know i posted this on your wall a couple weeks ago. good album, when having a couple beers or in that case drunk.
Veru @verucassault I was listening to Apashe yesterday. Powerful stuff.
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Arc @arc @senpaisamasan That video is the greatest gift you have ever given me
Oyabun @senpaisamasan I keep u in my heart arc.
115 @siruboo chico your dancing i good m8
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Happy soon to be father's day!!!
frankie @hiretsunaotaku O.o???
115 @siruboo
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115 @siruboo
youve had that profile pic since Feb 17, 2016 i think. i looked through my old posts and we were talking about how we changed avatars the same day. i thought i barley changed avatars but you win.
Arc @arc lol, I keep meaning to change it but then I get busy during the weekend and forget. My goal is to put one up next weekend
115 @siruboo cool, i was like lol for a bit
八幡神 @naofumi94
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八幡神 @naofumi94
Hey arc tell veruc I said she’s my oneesama xD
Arc @arc done :3
八幡神 @naofumi94
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八幡神 @naofumi94
Hey arc
Arc @arc Yo what up? I love raccoon girls too. They don't get enough recognition
八幡神 @naofumi94 :3 yea