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There is 2 @chaostabbean
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There is 2 @chaostabbean

natchdecole @natchdecole
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natchdecole @natchdecole
Yo where's Rikka

aneidoru @aneidoru
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aneidoru @aneidoru
Hello, hope you add me back!
Pick up lines

Alistair. @albister
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Pick up lines
Alistair. @albister
Hey, my name is -insert name-. what's it going to take for you to scream it?
You're Unattractive

Alistair. @albister
commented on
You're Unattractive
Alistair. @albister
Though high functioning, I am a paranoid schizophrenic with aspergers who is mostly asexual.
But at least I have myselves.