Anime California

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Anime California
Sephiroth @sephiroth Anime California is a great convention in California. It comes highly recommended by MaiOtaku, as we know the major staff, and they are working on a pretty stellar list of guests and events. Feel free to post if you're from Cali! It was in Orange County the first year in August, 2014. Every year has been bigger and better than before.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Anime California
ロイ @wallace614
Oh really that's pretty tight will maiotaku be involve with the con or have a panel?

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
Anime California
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Awesome, would like to see

xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
commented on
Anime California
xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
That's awesome

Lil Wolfie @lilwolf
commented on
Anime California
Lil Wolfie @lilwolf
:o I wanna attend

corbiecawtastrophe @corbiecawtastrophe
commented on
Anime California
corbiecawtastrophe @corbiecawtastrophe
awesome! looking forward to it x))

♥Mew Mew Berry♥ @pandy
commented on
Anime California
♥Mew Mew Berry♥ @pandy
oooh this sounds great! : D wow. I really can't wait now! :]

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Anime California
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
The date is kinda troublesome for me, but I could try it

Fusore @fusore
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Anime California
Fusore @fusore
Hi i am from california and do not know what orange county is anyone care to explain i am from Madera

ffftitans @ffftitans
commented on
Anime California
ffftitans @ffftitans
...Orange county is one of many counties, like Madera county.
It's kinda in between Riverside and San Diego county.
It's also got a ton of asians. Yeah.
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