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ConceptSama @conceptsama
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ConceptSama @conceptsama
my twin down there i though it was me

Darkly10000 @darkly10000
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Darkly10000 @darkly10000
Hi, I'm not great at intros especially for myself, but you seem like someone fun to talk to so I sent you a request.

taku4991 @taku4991
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taku4991 @taku4991
hello :) lets be friends
アニメ lover ^^

xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
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アニメ lover ^^
xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
Hello and welcome! :D
Hiiiii be my friend!

xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
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Hiiiii be my friend!
xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
Welcome! ^-^