Saddest anime deaths?

Nation @jorgec707
Saddest anime deaths?
Nation @jorgec707
For me it was Maes Hughes and Nina Tucker from full meatal achemist, also Kamina from gurren lagann. So very sad

ロイ @wallace614
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Saddest anime deaths?
ロイ @wallace614
Kamina from gurren Lagan and guilty crown
Inori Yuzuriha all the sad stories that I remember with some dying

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Saddest anime deaths?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
This is from Code Geass
When Lelouche dies during the final episode and Nunally touches him and somehow sees his entire plan to end their poisonous bloodline. That was a pretty good wrap up to the series.
Minato and Kushina sealing the Kyubi inside Nartuo was pretty tragic as well.
Lets face it nothing beats Maes Hughes though....nothing.

Nation @jorgec707
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Saddest anime deaths?
Nation @jorgec707
That's true Lelouche's death was sad but it was also a very good death that i enjoyed. And Inori's death was a pretty sad one

Lamby @momoichi
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Saddest anime deaths?
Lamby @momoichi
clannad everything

MAX @clo555
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Saddest anime deaths?
MAX @clo555
This account has been suspended.

talamar @talamar
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Saddest anime deaths?
talamar @talamar
Okay I got list for this one.. WARNING WARNING SPOILERS!
Rosette and Chrono from Chrono Crusade
Kamina From Gurren Lagann
Misuzu from Air
Makoto from Kanon
Nagisa and Ushio from Clannad: After Story
Kikuchiyo From Samurai 7
Romeo and Juliet from RomeoXJuliet
Hughes from FMA
Nicholas Wolfwood from Trigun
Tomoe Mami from Madoka
Yumi and Izumi from Another
Yuko Amamiya from Ef: a Tale of Melodies
Seita and Setsuko from Grave of the fireflies -Saddest Anime ever!

DarthRane @darthrane
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Saddest anime deaths?
DarthRane @darthrane
I would have to say it's tough between lights dad and L from death note but I lean more towards L's death just because he was such an iconic character

Nation @jorgec707
commented on
Saddest anime deaths?
Nation @jorgec707
O man clannad so much feels. And great list talamar a lot of those I didn't even think of. And the only death that I thought was sad from death note was L not so much anyone else ha ha

DarthRane @darthrane
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Saddest anime deaths?
DarthRane @darthrane
Yagami's death sucked to me just because his son didn't even seem to care that he died and the fact that he tricked his dad the entire time.
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