So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..

Haruu @haruu
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Haruu @haruu
I've always wondered where they get those seats. that have no legs. .___.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
ロイ @wallace614
The Internet is a scary thing you can find anything so I guess I'll just look it up

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Lamby @momoichi
just 80 dollars? must be used cuz im seen them for way more >.<
every person who likes japan needs one, good for family bonding and stupid shit like that.....xD

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
ロイ @wallace614
Haha well I want so I guess that must be it

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Lamby @momoichi
iv seen on ebay the whole set, blanket and all for 300 dollars o3o honestly, I don't think that's too bad

Rou @roukuro
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Rou @roukuro
I have a kotatsu. They are popular outside of japan too. Like Lambey said whole sets are around that much. Thats how much a good cheap one would run you. as for making your own? get a coffee table and rig it such that you can attach a blanket top to it. Then hook up the heather underneath. Cheapest option.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
ロイ @wallace614
Well I plan of building it the table and the kotatsu maybe my friend would help me do it

Haruu @haruu
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Haruu @haruu
Hmmm.. I know kotatsus are regularly all wood, but perhaps it might be nice if the top was glass? If I were to get one myself and I could customize it, I'd probably want the top to be glass. Just get a normal table put a nice/puffy, fancy blaket over it, and put on top a heavy, glass square. I think it'd be easier to clean because it's glass, and you could always make sure the top was always disinfected too. That's just me though~ Don't know if that would work like it does with an office desk that has business cards and stuff underneath that top glass layer.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
ロイ @wallace614
I don't think it be wise since the heater will be underneath the glass also how would you put the heater there

Haruu @haruu
commented on
So does anyone has or is getting a Kotatsu?..
Haruu @haruu
I meant like table, on top a blanket, and on top of a blanket a slab of glass that's the same dimensions of the table's top. So the heater would be under the wooden table's top. I know that they have slabs of marble that chocolatiers use when they want to temper their chocolate so maybe they sell some glass too? That's just me though. >.<
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